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1974年的今天,纽埃岛脱离新西兰独立。In 1974 , Niue becomes independent from New Zealand.

纽埃属于波利尼西亚群岛,与新西兰保持自由联系。Niue belonging to the Polynesian Islands, New Zealand and maintain the Compact of Free Association.

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南太平洋中的小岛国纽埃在英联邦运动会开赛之前没有陶土飞靶。The small island nation of Niue in the South Pacific has no clay targets ahead of the Commonwealth Games.

另外六个太平洋岛国为库克群岛、汤加、密克罗尼西亚联邦、帕劳、纽埃岛和萨摩亚。The other six nations are the Cook Islands, Tonga, the Federated States of Micronesia, Palau, Niue and Samoa.

供给纽埃射击运动员参加英联邦运动会的训练设施如此缺乏,以至于他们被迫使用鸽子和果蝠训练。Facilities for Commonwealth Games shooters in tiny Niue are so scarce that they are forced to use pigeons and fruit bats for practice.

自上世纪70年代以来,中国陆续同斐济、萨摩亚、巴布亚新几内亚、瓦努阿图、密克罗尼西亚、库克群岛、汤加、纽埃建立了外交关系。China has established diplomatic ties with Fiji, Samoa, Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu, Micronesia, Cook Islands, Tonga and Niue since the 1970s.

除图瓦卢、西萨摩亚和汤加已独立,库克群岛和纽埃岛内部自治外,余分属美、英、法等国。Apart from and have been independent, the Cook Islands and Niue internal self-government, I belong to the United States, Britain, France and other countries.

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另外六个承诺走向气候中和,加入气候中和网络的成员国家是哥斯达黎加,新西兰,摩纳哥,冰岛,纽埃以及挪威。The other six nations that have pledged to move towards climate neutrality and joined the CN Net are Costa Rica, Iceland, Monaco, New Zealand, Niue and Norway.

在禁烟方面,纽埃一直走在世界前列,政府从去年开始就向所有戒烟的烟民发放经济补助。In the no- smoking area, Niue has been at the forefront of the world, from the beginning of last year to all of the smokers quit smoking for issuing the economic benefits.

达斯维德,卢克天行者,尤达和其他来自遥远星际的善恶角色将跟女王一起出现在南太平洋岛国纽埃的硬币上。Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, Yoda and a cast of other heroes and villains from a galaxy far, far away, will join the Queen on coins issued by the South Pacific island state of Niue.

中纽建交并发展互利合作关系,符合中纽两国人民的共同利益。He said the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Niue and the development of mutually beneficial cooperative ties between the two countries are in the common interests of both peoples.