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罪恶感并不代表敬神与虔诚。Guilt is not a Godly place to be.

属神的人制定的目标,必须是通过信靠神才能完成的。Godly goals are set through faith.

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乃是他愿人得虔诚的后裔。Because he was seeking godly offspring.

这种哀恸,是一种属神的哀恸。This type of mourning is a godly mourning.

我为你们起的愤恨,原是神那样的愤恨。For I am jealous over you with a godly jealousy.

你的人生信息包括分享你神圣的热情Your Life Message includes sharing your godly passions.

被选出的七人都是敬虔的人,且被圣灵充满。They were all Godly men and filled with the Holy Spirit.

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诠释圣经的最佳方式,就是过敬虔的生活。The most valuable commentary on the Bible is a godly life.

怎样才是一个神所喜悦的好男人、好父亲、好丈夫?What is the Godly Manhood and Fatherhood and Husband-hood?

在神里面设定目标往往从神的一个应许开始。And godly goal-setting always starts with a promise of God.

经文讲述的那个小男婴,一定是生于一个敬虔的家庭。It was a very godly home into which this baby boy was born.

他们依上帝的意思忧愁,是真实地为他们的罪痛悔。Their sorrow was godly sorrow, a genuine remorse for their sins.

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但是,敬虔父母所期望的远比这更伟大。If such things happen, fine_but godly parents envision much more.

只是他有—两位牧师陪着,还有一个医生。But he hath a godly minister or two with him, and likewise a leech.

敬虔的目标——慈爱的神将会祝福它——必须是出于爱的。Godly goals -- the kind God will bless -- must be motivated by love.

确定指导或指引人采取敬虔行为的律法部分。Identify Law sections that guide or direct people to take godly action.

我很清楚这些“光明天使”绝不会倾听属神的责备。I have no misconceptions that any of these would hearken to Godly reproof.

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不但如此,凡立志在基督耶稣里敬虔度日的,也都要受逼迫。Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.

她受宗教热情的驱动,力图改造生活,使之增添更多的虔诚。Her motive was the religious passion to reform life by making it more godly.

与虔诚之人结交,倾听其话语并铭记在心。Seek the fellowship of godly men, harken unto their words and remember them.