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他说解除管制可能会使得这些领域的供应增加。He says deregulation would increase supply in such fields.

他曾经说财务管制的撤销借自由贸易沾了光。Financial deregulation has piggybacked on free trade, " he said."

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我们指出在狂热背后的反常是要付出代价的。We pointed out that the deregulation behind the frenzy came at a price.

然而当代金融业的失败不能全部归罪于去调控。Yet the failures of modern finance cannot be blamed on deregulation alone.

然而,我们有许多解除管制带来有益效果的强有力的证据。Moreover, we have powerful evidence of the beneficial effects of deregulation.

政府干预的减少将对运输市场的控制从托运人转到了承运人手中。Deregulation shifted control of the transportation market from carriers to shippers.

美国放松监管的做法有些过度。市场不可能是万能的。Deregulation in the US has gone a little bit too far. The market can't be omnipotent.

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此时雷根推行放手让企业自由发展的政策。At this time, Mr. Regan carried out the policy of "deregulation" or called Reaganomics.

基因工程苜蓿的重新规定可能会非常明显地带来高毒性给环境的负担。GE alfalfa deregulation would markedly add to that high toxic burden on the environment.

他们将世界带入了私有化、解除管制和信仰自由企业的广阔纪元。They introduced a broad era of privatisation, deregulation and belief in free enterprise.

放松管制在今天已成为不仅是美国而是全世界范围内奉行的规范。Deregulation became the order of the day not just in the United States but around the world.

两国推动金融业放松管制的保守势力均在上世纪90年代下台。In both countries, the conservatives who pushed through deregulation lost power in the 1990s.

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城市圈建设不应放松对农业的关注。The construction of city circle should not be concerned about the deregulation of agriculture.

如果是开始于布什时期,那么就可以归咎于共和党喜欢减少政府干预的做法。If it began under George W. Bush, then it can be imputed to the Republicans' love of deregulation.

知识界和政界支持放松监管的趋势并不局限于美国。The intellectual and political trends favoring deregulation were not limited to the United States.

这构成了本文的前三部分的主要内容。Regulation, deregulation and reregulation form the main clue of the history of financial regulation.

此类别签证的撤销是与澳洲政府放松管制的议案相一致的。This removal of the Subclass 422 visa is in line with the Australian Government's deregulation agenda.

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异常的超变和异常的致癌基因BCL-6与淋巴瘤的发生具有相关性。Aberrant somatic hypermutation and deregulation of the oncogene BCL-6 is associated with lymphomagenesis.

随着电力工业的改革和市场化的加深,输电网开放获得越来越多人们的关注。As restructuring and deregulation deepen in the power industry, open access is gaining greater attention.

该调解人指责萨科齐政府从一开始放松管制就是“玩火自焚”的行为。He accused the Sarkozy government of "lighting a powder keg" by starting deregulation in the first place.