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脑残这个绰号更适合你。Brainless would be a more apt moniker for you.

第五条,不可搭理脑残。Fifth, You shall not reply to the brainless people.

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因为我沿用了经典模式,因此编码几乎不用动脑子。Because I follow a classic pattern, the coding is almost brainless.

你是个没脑子的小笨蛋,你在纽约活不过三天。You're a brainless little twit who won't last three days in NewYork.

为什么不吃某种肉的人那么无知?Why those who doesn't eat "certain animal" in my country are so brainless ?

聪明的女人总是能够驾御自己的男人,而没有头脑的则只能被玩弄。The intelligent girl grip her jack always, but the brainless is dallied only.

麦格今天下午相当不安,她对他们不经大脑的闲扯没有心情。Meg was quite upset this afternoon. She was in no mood for their brainless gossip.

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例如,无脑海星和海胆的祖先似乎曾有大脑。For instance, it appears the ancestor of brainless starfish and sea urchins had a brain.

在我昨天脑残和尴尬的胡说之后我应该完全避免见到他。I should be avoiding him entirely after my brainless and embarrassing babbling yesterday.

鹦鹉学舌往往被认为是一种不通过大脑的模仿。Parrot speech is commonly regarded as the brainless squawking of a feathered voice recorder.

以往是有些没大脑的人,老是说见到什麽不明飞行物,什麽小绿人的!In the past, there were always some brainless claiming they had seen flying saucers or little green men!

我是没有头脑的,但货币是万物的实际的头脑,货币持有者又怎么会没有头脑呢?I am brainless , but money is the real brain of all things and how then should its possessor be brainless ?

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无头苍蝇飞了,这意味着Miesenboeck和利马能够通过模拟大脑信号远程控制苍蝇。The headless flies flew, meaning Miesenboeck and Lima were able to remotely control brainless flies by simulating a brain impulse.

绘画应像音乐一样能够深入人的灵魂,不然的话,那就只是一件蠢笨的手工艺品。原文。Painting should pervade the soul in the same way, and as long as it does not do this it is nothing more than a brainless handicraft.

他指出近来所有关于“愚笨”的青少年的讨论可能减弱大家对本质的关注。He suggests that all of this talk lately about "brainless" teens could possibly be an attempt to take away attention from the reality.

他指出,这些对于年轻人”无脑”的说法可能转移公众对现实的关注。He suggests that all of this talk lately about " brainless " teens could possibly be attempted to take away attention from the reality.

他暗示说最近的这些关于“无知”青少年的言论很可能是为了让人们从真实情况上转移视线而做出的努力。He suggests that all of this talk lately about " brainless " teens could possibly be an attempt to take away attention from the reality.

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他们不认为他们应该停止在十字路口因为自动,愚蠢的机器每30或40秒就变红。They don't think that they should stop at the crossroads because an automatic, brainless machine turns red every thirty or forty seconds.

无脑生物几乎完全由水构成,原始的动物悄悄填补人类狼吞虎嚥嗜吃鱼类所留下的真空。Brainless creatures composed almost entirely of water, the primitive animals have quietly filled a vacuum created by the voracious human appetite for fish.

他写道,“假如人类不想做温水中被慢慢煮死的青蛙,我们就需要全力大声警告,否则我们就和被慢慢煮死的无脑的青蛙没什么两样。”“We need all the unmuffled warnings we can get given that humans are not like slowly boiling frogs, we are like slowly boiling brainless frogs, ” he wrote.