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这麽做虽非侠义之道,但却是邪恶地有效。It 's not chivalrous to do so, but it is viciously effective.

男孩,我最近遇见了一个骑士的少女,我应该给她什么?Boy, I met a chivalrous girl recently, what should I give her?

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他是一个义士,但更是一位忠臣。He was a chivalrous person, but was more like a loyal minister.

我想应该是时候听听绅士们的反驳了。women it's about time you hear the rebuttal from the chivalrous men.

金牌的阿呆美貌与智慧并存英雄侠义的化身。Gold over beauty and wisdom of both the embodiment of chivalrous hero.

如果浪漫使男性更乐于助人更具骑士精神会怎样?What is it about romance that makes men more helpful, chivalrous even?

狮子座可能是你遇到过的最有悲悯侠义之风的人。Leo is the most caring and chivalrous person you could ever come across.

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现在,在玩,大唐豪侠,浙江区和四川区。Now, is playing, Datang chivalrous people, Zhejiang area and Sichuan area.

其实,王一生是道家文化和侠文化的结合体。As a matter of fact, Wang Yi-sheng embodies Tao culture and Chivalrous culture.

他捐狂桀骜的个性则承继了墨家侠义精神的气息。His arrogant temperament is a kind of inheritance of the chivalrous Mohist spirit.

仗剑好汉,侠义少年,邀君共赴江湖游。The hero of the chivalrous youth similarities, invites, ruler in rivers and Lakes tour.

轻快悠扬的曲风,表现出侠客洒脱豪迈的性格。A lively and melodious music genre displays a chivalrous man's free and heroic character.

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古代的大侠扬善除恶,个个都是英雄豪杰。Chivalrous men in ancient times did good deeds and destroyed evil, all of them were heroes.

一直到今天,我们从一些善事和义举中,可以真切感受到古代侠义精神的脉动。Up to now, the pulse of the ancient chivalrous spirit can be sensed from some heroic deeds.

侠义诗在唐代十分繁荣,尤其是初盛唐时期。The chivalrous poems were quite flourishing in the Tang Dynasty, especially in its early period.

我就是美貌与聪明并重,英雄与侠义的化身唐伯虎!I am fine-looking pay equal attention to with wisdom, hero and chivalrous reincarnate Tang Baihu!

可见,唐代的任侠风气,显示了与文人、文学的密切关系。Obviously, there existed a close relationship between chivalrous fashion, literary men and literature.

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他为人侠义宽厚,为政勤谨有谋,是太原孙氏的开山鼻祖。He had a chivalrous generosity, diligent and prudent for the government, was Taiyuan sunshi's pedigree.

有没有梦幻群侠传之龙在天涯的修改器?Is dragon of doing have chivalrous dream group biography in the end of the world modification implement?

侠客们诞生以后,他们的侠义精神补充了古代的法制精神,为古代制度打上了正义的补丁。After the chivalrous men were born, their chivalrous spirit repaired the spirit of legal system in ancient times.