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愿在座的各位都健康幸福!Wish's everyones in are all healthily happy!

而吃得健康还应该关注快乐。But eating healthily should be about pleasure.

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快快乐乐地长大对一个人来说更重要。Grow up healthily is more important to a person.

闭关锁国,任何一个国家都不能健康的发展。No country can develop healthily with its door closed.

是中新双语给了我们阳光雨露,我们才得以健康快乐的成长。It is the school that makes us grow healthily and happily.

我希望每个学子在和谐嘹亮的歌声中健康成长!I hope everyone can grow up healthily with the harmonious songs.

这包括健康的饮食和常规的体育锻炼。This includes eating healthily and exercising on a regular basis.

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我们能否让我们所爱的人健康,安全地展示自己呢?Can we let our loved ones express themselves healthily and safely?

我相信你能行,也祝你的孩子健康成长。I believe you can do it , and I wish your child grow up healthily.

不过,孩子在他的精心照料下,白白胖胖,健健康康,茁壮成长。However, his son grows healthily and quickly with his considerate care.

四自“教育是促进女大学生健康成长与成才的基础。"Four selfs" education is the base of promoting them to grow healthily.

草原不要再继续沙化,也不要那么恶劣下去。There will be no more desertification. The grasslands will grow healthily.

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企业只有走“质量效益型”发展的道路,才能健康、持续地发展。Corporation will be healthily and sostenuto developing only by quality benefit mode.

白食—-对努力保持饮食健康的人来说,这也许是他们致命的弱点。This is perhaps the ultimate downfall for many people trying to eat healthily — free food!

我公司深知只有保持长期持续稳定的经营思想,才能健康发展。We know that only with the long-term and stable manage philosophy, we can develop healthily.

通过健康饮食和定期锻炼,你就能降低罹患痴呆症的风险。By eating healthily and exercising regularly, you can lessen your risk of developing dementia.

如果你想减肥,但是还想健康饮食,这两者是相得益彰的。If you want to lose weight but also want to eat healthily the two pretty well go hand-in-hand.

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感谢蒋斯科,祝贺你成为一名父亲,同时祝你的宝宝健康成长。Thanks to Jiang Sike. Congratulations for being a father and wish your baby growing up healthily.

只有这样,才能引导和帮助大学生健康成长,使他们能够在德、智、体、美等方面全面发展。Only in this way can students be led and helped to grow healthily and develop in an all-round way.

然而,这一目的至今尚未实现,这从一定程度上制约了国际多式联运以及国际贸易的发展。China, as a developing country, needs to expand its development of multi-modal transport healthily.