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这份报告详细描述了贸易形势。The report minutely limned the trade situation.

叶基生,具叶柄,通常细微棕色。Leaves basal, petiolate, usually minutely brown punctate.

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甚至二氧化碳的浓度每分钟也有改变。Even the levels of carbon dioxide can be minutely altered.

庄园的边界在本次勘测中被详细地确定下来。The bounds of the manor are minutely set out in the survey.

若使用海事卫星电话,通话费每分钟就要15美元。If use maritime satellite phone, the telephone bill is minutely be about 15 dollars.

专业人士提醒,可以从四方面细查楼盘质量。The professional reminds, may minutely examine the estate quality from four aspects.

未来几个月里,她在上诉法庭法官任上作出的判决被逐项审核。Her decisions as an appeals-court judge will be examined minutely in the coming weeks.

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尽管教授详细地讲解了这一点,但是许多学生仍然不了解。Many students still doublt for the point, although the professor explains it minutely.

另外三艘——一艘英国的、两艘苏联的——在报废之前,都受到过细致入微的研究。Three others, one British, two Soviet, were minutely pored over before being scrapped.

但是,这些概念都需要更仔细的分析,我在这里不深入。But all of these concepts need to analyzed more minutely. I don't even go into it here.

对三销齿轮成形工艺和模具设计作了详细探讨。The paper minutely discusses for the forming technology and die design to three- pin gear.

这部书研究视野宏大而详尽,成为现代生物学的奠基之作。This volume, colossal in scope yet minutely detailed, laid the foundations of modern biology.

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经济现状、人口统计、宪法组织,以及其他东西是很容易展现出来的。Economic facts, population statistics, constitutional organization, and so on, are set forth minutely.

第二章对主要法治国家沉默权制度的内容进行了比较详细的考察。Chapter two delineates minutely the basic rules concerning the right to silence in major legal systems.

竿箨耳廓镰刀形,长。沿着中脉的两面的那个或的叶片背面稍具短柔毛。Culm sheath auricles falcate, long. Leaf blade abaxially minutely pubescent along one or both sides of midrib.

如果不把自己的车停入车位,每分钟要花“1元”的“养路费”。If do not enter oneself car Ting car, the " maintain a road of 1 yuan of " expends minutely " wanting a flower ".

沿途停下来仔细检查路上的每一根烟屁股,每一片口香糖,每一片脏兮兮的废纸和死昆虫。Stop to inspect minutely every cigarette end, piece of used chewing gum, dirty tissue and dead insect along the way.

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本文从胶订工艺的角度出发,详细地介绍了EVA热熔胶的性质和使用方法。The author introduces minutely the nature and utilization method of EVA hot glue in the light of thermo-binding art.

详细地阐述了我国提出的TD-SCDMA标准和用于移动通信中的智能天线。The standard on TD-SCDMA put forward by our country and the smart antennas for mobile communication are minutely described.

详细总结了鞍钢“七五”以来烧结系统技术改造的情况。This paper minutely summarizes the technology reform situation of sintering system in Angang since "the seventh Five-year Plan".