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现在,贾尔周围都是急性子的人。Now he was in heady company.

华盛顿令人兴奋的周末结束了。The heady weekend in Washington is over.

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“勾魂女人”词儿便是为巴黎妇女创造的。The words heady woman were invented for the Parisienne.

“勾魂女人”这个词儿便是为巴黎妇女创造的。The words heady woman were invented for the Parisienne.

即使还有篇幅,现在我也还不能解释其本质。Heady stuff that I cannot yet explain, even if I had space.

头两周使人兴奋的花言巧语让我们忙个不休。The heady rhetoric of the first two weeks carried us all along.

我一推开店门,浓郁醉人的咖啡香气便扑鼻而来。The minute the door opened, a heady aroma of coffee drew me in.

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新时代的狂热气氛既令年轻人着迷、也令其迷失。The heady atmosphere of new age bewitches and bewilders the young.

中国的第12个5年计划,自三月起,设置一个振奋人心的目标期刊。China's 12th 5-year plan, in effect since March, sets a heady goal for journals.

这些火热的日子已经过去,我们现在已经进入了“大不甘平庸。”Those heady days are now over, and we have now entered "the great immoderation."

是什么导致这么高的含量,又是什么把含氧量降回今天的水平的呢?What created this abundance, and what brought oxygen back down to today's less heady levels?

我陶醉于我能够到达任何地方,而我所有的行李仅仅是一个小包。I was heady with the notion that I could go ANYWHERE when all my stuff was in one little bag.

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浓郁醇厚的味道,让你神清气爽,精力充沛。Refreshing and stimulating, it wakes you up with a pleasure of enjoyng the rich, heady taste.

此酒柔和贺润,令人陶醉,可搭配红肉和各类奶酪。It is quite a heady wine its full and supple tastes, which goes well with red meat and cheeses.

谁记得三个月前,有过振奋人心的美元与欧元平价预言?Who remembers that three months ago there were heady predictions of dollar parity with the euro?

对于央行来说,再次被视作救世主的确令人目眩,但他们也不能长袖独舞。It is heady stuff for central bankers to be seen, once again, as saviours. But they cannot do it alone.

这是一个很刺激的感觉,同时我也会永远感谢,能够有这样一个机会。And I think that was a heady feeling, and I would always be very grateful to have the chance to do that.

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私募股权行业在2006年那些令人发晕的时候和2007年年初融资的很多公司现在正苦苦挣扎。Many of the businesses that the sector financed in the heady days of 2006 and early 2007 are struggling.

但他们是很成熟的成人和知识分子,而这对一个来自芝加哥的小孩来说很不同。But they were fully formed adults and intellectuals, and that was a heady experience for a kid from Chicago.

一会好像看了一部伤感的电影似的让你哭泣,一会儿又如打开自己全身的毛孔一样去体验兴奋的喜悦。One minute a syrupy film has you sobbing, the next you feel the heady joy of the universe in all your pores.