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你得到。da You get da.

列昂纳多·达·芬奇!Leonardo Da Vinci!

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大东烤鸭。Da Dong Roast Duck.

是涂鸦还是达芬奇密码?Doodler or da Vinci?

我是哒哒小公主!I am da da princess!

我叫这个男孩大毛。I call the boy Da Mao.

喂,米勒先生在吗?Hallo?Ist Herr Müller da?

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阿曼尼将会再度统治世界!Da Amani gonna rule again!

阿曼尼会再次统治这片土地的!Da Amani gonna rule again!

我们都称那男孩大毛。We all call the boy Da Mao.

结婚前,我去找过大慧。Before marriage, I met Da Hui.

穆春哥,请听我说。Da Chun , please listen to me.

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好,所以,珍妮回答了达的问题。Good. So, Jenny replies to Da.

我不住在大华街。I don't live on Da Hua Avenue.

在艾凡达乌鲁库。In the library of Ivan Wulu da.

握紧你手中的剑-为荣誉而战!Hold yo sword-Fight 4 da honour!

敢在我的厨房作菜?How da person cook in my kitchen?

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列昂纳多·达·芬奇!蒙娜丽莎!Leonardo Da Vinci! The Mona Lisa!

这些土地包括大禹岭的大部分区域。This included most of Da Yu Ling.

伙计,你丫到底有什么毛病?Man, what da fuck is wrong wit you?