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眼球震颤也可以通过药物来改善症状。The effects of Nystagmus can also be reduced by drugs.

卧地不起的动物表现角弓反张,头倾斜,斜视,眼球震颤。Recumbent animals exhibit opisthotonus, head tilt, strabismus and nystagmus.

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现对先天性眼球震颤遗传学的研究进展进行了综述。In this paper, the genetic progress of the congenital nystagmus has been reviewed.

他的朋友见到他都很高兴,他们其中之一注意到劳伦斯的眼震比以前少多了。His friends were very happy to see him and one noticed that his nystagmus was much less.

方法回顾性分析采用手术治疗的儿童先天性水平性眼球震颤43例。Methods A retrospective study of 43 patients with congenital horizontal nystagmus was reviewed.

观察眼睛平行运动、上眼睑与虹膜对比位置和眼震。Observe parallel eye movement, position of upper lid in relation to iris, and presence of nystagmus.

目的探讨治疗先天性眼球震颤伴垂直代偿头位的手术矫正方法。Objective To evaluate the surgery for congenital nystagmus with a vertical compensatory head posture.

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众所周知的例子是颈部旋转性眼震,事实上似乎是一种“正常”的颈眼反射。The most know type, the neck torsion nystagmus , appears to be in fact a "normal" cerico-ocular reflex.

认为,此项技术可对两类眼球震颤作出较为客观的鉴别诊断。It is believed that the ENG can help make objective differential diagnoses between the two kinds of nystagmus.

研究了脑益嗪对受前庭刺激家兔的脑血流图功率谱和眼震颤的影响。Effects of cinnarizine on the REG power spectrum and nystagmus of rabbits during rotatory stimulation were studied.

结果68例先天性眼球震颤婴幼儿中斜视患儿7例,其中外斜视4例,内斜3例。Results Of 68 cases infant nystagmus syndrome, strabismus had 7 cases, in which exotropia 4 cases, esotropia 3 cases.

眼震颤可以引起眼球不自主地运动,因此患此病的人不能够保持眼睛静止不动。Nystagmus causes the eyes tomoe in an uncontrollable manner, so that people with the condition cannot keep their eyes still.

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本文的目的在探讨如何依据病史与眼振电图,区别异常眼球运动是属于先天性或后天性病变。We explore, in this study, the way to distinguish benign congenital nystagmus from other potentially hazardous acquired lesions.

同时应用概率统计原理对仪器测试数据和前庭功能试验的眼震时间进行相关分析。The test data obtained are very well correlated with the time of vestibular nystagmus by the principle of probability and statistics.

由于眼球震颤和斜视等眼部症状,OCA2患者通常在一岁内即被发现患病。Individuals with OCA2 are usually recognized within the first year of life because of the ocular features of nystagmus and strabismus.

目的研究一种实时、无创检测眼震状况并进行眩晕判定的图像处理方法。Objective To study an image processing method that can detect nystagmus non-invasively and do vertigo judgement in real time and without damage.

临时的条件,如晕车,太阳中风,眼睛紧张或疲劳,和大气压力的变化也可能导致眼球震颤。Temporary conditions such as motion sickness, sun stroke , eye strain or fatigue, and changes in atmospheric pressure may also result in nystagmus.

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本病以突发性眩晕、耳鸣、耳聋或眼球震颤为主要临床表现,眩晕有明显的发作期和间歇期。The disease to sudden dizziness, tinnitus, deafness or nystagmus as the main clinical manifestations, dizziness clear attack and intermittent period.

应用前庭终器取材料和铺片技术以及前庭终器小视野定量观察方法进行毛细胞密度的测量以证明毛细胞的损失程度。Vestibular nystagmus induced by caloric stimulation was evaluated and compared to quantitative measurements of vestibular hair cell and ganglion cell loss.

传统眼震图记录技术是通过皮肤电极引导微弱的角膜、视网膜电位差以间接地观测眼球运动位移参数。The traditional electronystagmograph observes nystagmus indirectly by detecting slight potential difference between cornea and retina conducted by dermal electrodes.