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用你们的直觉。So use your intuition.

你的直觉说了神马?What does your intuition say?

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所以那只是好的直觉。So that's some good intuition.

你的直觉就是你的第六感。六级查分。Your intuition is your sixth sense.

她的直觉当然是对的。Her intuition was, of course, correct.

这就是直觉的来源。This is where the intuition comes from.

这里的预测其实很直观The intuition is pretty straightforward.

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从中能够得出什么呢,我们来看一下What's the intuition? Let's work it out.

直觉的闪光是非理性的。The flashes of intuition were nonrational.

客观的分析和创意。Unbiased quizzical analysis and intuition.

对文学野孩并非没有直觉。The gamin is not devoid of literary intuition.

而直觉性的职业也最吸引你。The intuition of occupational most attracts you.

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这是怎么回事?为什么我们的自觉错的离谱呢?What is going on? Why is our intuition so wrong?

他是一个有着女性的直觉的优秀的老板。He's an excellent boss with a feminine intuition.

双鱼座的人直觉很准。The intuition of the Pisces-born is highly evolved.

我总是从直觉上思考这个问题。I always on intuition that I think about the answer.

训练能使你获得直觉和反应力。Training enables you to gain intuition and reflexes.

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那就是我从这个试验得到的直觉。All right,that's the intuition I've got about the case.

一关接一关地提升您的功力和直觉吧!Increase your skills and intuition from level to level!

爱情游戏就是要凭直觉从黑桃玩起。LoveGame intuition play the cards with spades to start.