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她是一个红头发的矮胖的人!She's a chunky redhead!

置于食品搅拌机内,搅成浓汤。Blitz in a food processor to a chunky puree.

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女高音歌手是个来自加利福尼亚的壮硕姑娘。The soprano was a chunky girl from California.

一个醒目的外观矮胖的条纹图案。Chunky stripe pattern for an eye-catching look.

最热潮品是带装饰扣的方跟鞋。The hottest items are chunky heels with buckles.

这些饺子是一些黏糊糊的生面团块。The dumplings were chunky pieces of uncooked dough.

比如无生物钟的变种小鼠身形就趋于矮胖。In fact, mutant mice that have no circadian clocks tend to be chunky.

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大洋对岸,布莱尔厚厚实实的自传就更显得过时。Across the Atlantic, Blair's chunky memoir will seem even more antique.

那个人消失后那个人小时后,又有一个更矮小的人穿着粗高跟鞋咯噔咯噔的向她走来。The figure disappeared, and a new smaller person clopped toward her in chunky heels.

不要穿那些粗高跟、肥大的软底鞋、细跟高跟鞋或厚重的鞋子。Do not wear chunky heels, flat soled-shoes, stilettos, or shoes with too much height.

三只较短的高脚杯立在冬青枝或者其他鲜嫩的绿植中,俨然在鸣唱快乐的三重唱!With a merry trio of chunky goblets swaddled in sprigs of holly or other fresh greens.

勇气,是到了开饭时间还拼命巴望着在“真”肉汤里还能有“真”肉块。Courage is mealtime and desperately hoping it' s not Chunky Chunks in "real"gravy again.

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勇气,是到了开饭的时间还拼命巴望着在“真”的肉汤历还能有“真”的肉块。Courage is mealtime and desperately hoping it's not Chunky Chunks in "real" gravy again.

我刚看见翅膀,还以为天堂全都是矮胖的中国天使,还没有爵士乐。I saw the wings, and I thought heaven was filled with chunky Chinese cherubs and no jazz.

奥巴马这款看上去有点园胖的运动型腕表,已引发一个小小的网上热卖。Barack Obama has a chunky looking sports watch that has sparked a small internet industry.

但她也是古希腊酒神女祭司,在一个厚实的银花瓶上散发光芒。But she is also a Hellenistic bacchante scintillating over the surface of a chunky silver vase.

当我进入中学的时候我大部分的朋友都很娇小,但我长得相当壮实。When I joined my secondary school most of my friends were quite petite, but I was quite chunky.

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一块块的鸡肉固然好吃,但是最美味的部分其实是鸡骨头,当地人最喜欢嘬鸡骨头。The chunky meat is nice, but the tastiest bits are actually the bones, which locals love to suck.

煮沸,偶尔搅拌,直到西红柿煮烂变成浓汁,约25分钟。Simmer, stirring frequently, until tomatoes have broken down into a chunky sauce, about 25 minutes.

密密的针脚,刺绣和钩织的制品成为大街上推动潮流的主要特征。Chunky knits, embroidery and crochet are key features which are proving popular with the high street.