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空气里洋溢着一片轻松愉快的气氛。A brisk gayety was in the air.

你感动得怜悯、激动或者高兴。You are moved to pity, excitement, or gayety.

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你感动得去怜悯,激动或者高兴。You are moved to pity, excitement, or gayety.

你是为了鼓励我才装出高兴的样子。You affect this gayety to inspire me with courage.

那伟大的诗篇也给了人们笑料。The great poem contributed to the gayety of the world.

开始时人们心中充满了惊恐,同时也搀杂着一种骇人的得意劲头。A beginning full of terror, in which is mingled a sort of formidable gayety.

他的欢乐的情绪使他一往无前的气概更加潇洒。"To-morrow, " he said at parting, a gayety of manner adding wonderfully to his brave demeanour.

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主教的脸上忽然起了好客的人所特有的那种愉快神情。The Bishop's face at once assumed that expression of gayety which is peculiar to hospitable natures.

主教的脸上忽然起了好客的人所特有的那种愉快神情。The Bis. op's face at once assumed that expression of gayety which is. peculiar to hospitable natures.

嘉莉注意到沿途那喜庆热闹和寻欢作乐的景象。Carrie had noticed the appearance of gayety and pleasure-seeking in the streets which they were following.

幻想着我也在匆匆赶去寻欢作乐,分享他们内心的激动,于是我暗自为他们祝福。Imagining that I, too, was hurrying toward gayety and sharing their intimate excitement, I wished them well.

我们在餐厅里吃的午饭,里面也遮得很阴凉,大家把紧张的欢笑和凉啤酒一起喝下肚去。We had luncheon in the dining-room, darkened too against the heat, and drank down nervous gayety with the cold ale.

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及至十九世纪,几乎所有的大桡船、苦役牢、囚犯队里的任何歌曲都有了一种疯狂费解的轻快趣味。We find in the eighteenth century, in nearly all the songs of the galleys and prisons, a diabolical and enigmatical gayety.

他不大爱他的外祖父,外祖父的那种轻浮狠鄙的作风使他难受,他对父亲冷漠阴沉。He did not love his grandfather much, as the latter's gayety and cynicism repelled him, and his feelings towards his father were gloomy.

古费拉克和博须埃,他们的英雄气概和舒畅心情随着危机与时俱增,就象斯卡隆夫人①那样,用开玩笑来代替饮食,因为没有葡萄酒了,他们就向群众灌注欢乐。Courfeyrac and Bossuet, whose brave good humor increased with the peril, like Madame Scarron, replaced nourishment with pleasantry, and, as wine was lacking, they poured out gayety to all.

幸而,在当时,过去的痛苦的经历,帮了他的忙,那惨痛的往事在他的脸上映现出一种不可磨灭的哀伤,在这一重阴云之下,偶尔流露出的欢快的神情也只象是昙花一现而已。Fortunately, as regarded this circumstance at least, his painful past gave to his countenance an indelible sadness, and the glimmerings of gayety seen beneath this cloud were indeed but transitory.