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好吧,杰。Ok. Jin.

鸡蛋汤就行。Egg soup is OK.

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我们来玩吧!好吗?Let's play! OK?

好?什么问题?OK. What-- yes.

嘘。你没事了。Shh. You're ok.

哇,很好呀。Wow, that's Ok.

给个香吻好不好。Give a kiss, ok.

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好了,两次小测验。OK. Two quizzes.

单击应用及玉。Click Apply & Ok.

这类码数,可以吗?Is this size Ok ?

好的。就吃炒笋子。OK. I'll have it.

好了,还有几件事儿。OK. Other things.

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好吧,那就再见了。Ok. See you then!

知道了,让我来修修看。OK. Let me fix it.

我星期一开始行不行?Will Monday be ok?

好,暂停Ok.Let's stop here.

让我再来告诉你们一个求乘方的方法吧?But they're not. OK?

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甚至一元也可以起存。Even one yuan is ok.

把那支钢笔给我,行不行?。Give me the pen, OK?

让我们来运动一下,好吗?Let's do sports, ok?