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这是一个巨大的转变。That's a huge turnaround.

我们给予了一次迅速的转变。We give a rapid turnaround.

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低成本,快速的周转时间。Low-cost, quick turnaround time.

最近的时期成了为的转变时期。The most recent period has been my turnaround.

大转折车道加右停车空间!Large turnaround driveway PLUS RV parking space!

你在近十年的早些时候,领导施乐公司实现了转型。Q. You led a turnaround at Xerox earlier this decade.

林丹惊天逆转夺得冠军。Lin Dan won the championship in a stunning turnaround.

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但是这种轮班制却也非常残酷。But the turnaround times for such shifts can be brutal.

对于这个项目,我想找一个有5-10天的周转。For this project, Im looking for a 5-10 day turnaround.

转捩点是发生在2003的两件不甚受瞩目的事件。The turnaround began with two little-noted events in 2003.

您需要信息时的理想周转时间是多久?What's your ideal turnaround time when you need information?

最近一些措施的目的是为了迅速扭转局面。Some recent measures are meant to illicit a rapid turnaround.

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但康帕内不同意,说这可能是一个快速周转。But Campanella disagreed, saying it could be a fast turnaround.

严格以收入为目标的复苏策略是危险的。A strictly revenue-based turnaround strategy is often a red flag.

一年之后,人们对于这一切的看法几乎转变了180度。One year later, the turnaround in perception is nearly 180 degrees.

调查中涉及到的所有网站,最终都完成了华丽大变身。For all four major websites in the study, there was a complete turnaround.

如果你找寻同一天完成工作或是一夜间的印刷,我们就是它了。If you're looking for same-day turnaround or overnight printing, we're it.

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布莱恩特草率的多步转向投篮没中,马刺获得球权。Bryant's hasty turnaround 16-footer was short, and the Spurs gained possession.

举个例子,一家企业需要扭转颓势,完成“大逆转”,那么保存足够的现金就是头等大事。For example, often in a turnaround situation, conserving cash is a key priority.

对于任何一个了解阿泰斯特职业生涯的人来说,这个奖项标志着一个巨大的转变。The award marks a striking turnaround to anyone who has followed Artest's career.