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你做哪些业务?Which business do udo?

在中国15块钱人民币你能做什么?。What can udo in china with 15 yuan?

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早上你做的第一件事是什么?。Wats the first thing udo this morning?

解放宣言的用意何在?What did the Emancipation Proclamation udo ?

你每星期做多少小时运动?How many hours of exercise do udo every week?

也许也还不认识我,不过不打紧,一见钟情很流行。Maybe udo not know me, no matter, one see clock emotion is pop.

如果给你一百万让你放弃你的爱情或你的男朋友,你会么?If u can get one million pounds for giving up your current relationship , will udo it?

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也许你不记得我,没关系,当你仔细看我,你就会一见钟情。Maybe udo not remember me, no matter, when u carefully look at me, you will one eye clock.

在这个过程中用户并不需要担心UDA或者UDO会以怎样的顺序在运行时被调用。I don’t have to worry about when or in what order the UDA or UDO will be called at runtime.

在做每一件事的时候,总是会遇到一些困难,这个时候你会坚持还是放弃呢?We always meet difficulties during our work, but what will udo then? Put up or just give up?

请用鼠标左键点击两次打开文件,以查阅有关综合益生菌之产品介绍。Please double-click to open the file and read detailed information about Udo 's Choice Probiotic.

我不会放开你,不论你作什么事,说什么话,什么是对的什么是错的。I never give up you , no matter what udo something and say something , whatever is right and wrong.

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实践出真知在杜总身上体现的淋漓尽致,他用切身的经验给酒店注入智慧为员工注入能量。Gaining experience hands on, Mr. Udo Doring inspires his staffs and the hotel with his energy and wisdom.

要开始使用,这将是一个月但如果你只能做工作不够好,我们可以使这个长期与短期,每周多页的东西。To start off with, it will be only for a month but if udo a good enough job we can make this a long term thing with more pages per week.

北济州郡为了保护牛岛的自然景观和清净海区,并搞活海洋观光,将岛内的两处港口的周围及牛岛附近的海域指定为牛岛海洋郡立公园。In northern Jejudo, two of the harbor areas and the seashore area have been designated as Udo Maritime Park in order to protect the natural environment and promote tourism.

1991年夏天,在总经理伍多哈通先生的带领下,酒店组织了部分的员工到海边开展了净化海边活动。The summer of 1991, under the leadership by Hotel General Manager Mr. Udo A. Hartung, the hotel was organized the staff to the xiamen beach and conducted clean-up activity.