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她大步走进了我的办公室。She strode into my office.

他抄小路快速地走开了。And he strode off, up the lane.

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在这一点上,南都大步走了出来。At that point, Nunn strode forth.

在他下马之前,我走去开门。He got up and strode to the door.

他们大步走在松软的草皮上。They strode over the springy turf.

他的小儿子跨站在他的双肩上。His little son strode his shoulders.

他充满自信地大步走过大厅。He strode confidently across the hall.

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劳丽·斯楚德我是迈克尔·梅耶斯的妹妹。Laurie Strode I'm Michael Myers' sister.

獾大步流星地跨进房间。The Badger strode heavily into the room.

他与他的随员们大步走了过去。He strode past with his retinue of aides.

然后Eileen大步走出了会议室。And at that, Eileen strode out of the room.

经理大步流星地从街上走过。The manager strode rapidly down the street.

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他挺胸顶着波浪大步走进海里。He strode into the ocean, breasting the waves.

庄子穿着剑服阔步地来到殿前。Chuang Tzu in swords clothes strode to the court.

科特雷尔穿过铺着鹅卵石的院子大步走出来。Cottrell strode out across the cobbled courtyard.

他们迈着强健的双腿在街上大步走。They strode on their sturdy legs down the street.

卫德大步走进办公室,重重把报纸一摔。Wade strode in the office and tossed the paper down.

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琼恩大步走过他们时,一个震耳欲聋的声音朝他叫来。As Jon strode past them, a booming voice called after him.

他急急戴上帽子很生气地从大厦里走出来。He clapped his hat on and strode angrily from the building.

当他拘谨地向前走的时候,他将注意力都在她的身上。As he strode self-consciously on Alan focused his mind on her.