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在你的磅礴之气的蔚蓝的波面。On the blue surface of thine aery surge.

胎盘显示大量出血,与子宫剥离。The placenta demonstrated aery large bleed, consistent with an abruption.

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“谁服侍老爷梳洗的?”明兰的声音还有些飘渺。"Who serve what master rinse face and comb hair?"The voice of clear orchid still has some aery.

水流的鼓荡,心中的飘渺恍惚,到底是谁在呼应着谁?The drum of water current concuss , in the heart of aery absentminded, exactly is who is act in cooperation who?

斑片样分布的结节一般是结节病,但此例的成簇分布不常见。Aery patchy distribution of nodules is common in sarcoidosis , but the grouping of nodules seen in this case is unusual.

我无法与你共渡到人生的彼岸,你只是我记忆中最初的湖莲,那么飘渺那么遥远。I can't experience together with you to the other shore of the life, you are just I remember in the first lake lotus, so aery so faraway.

该技术常用于那些精子数目极低或精子活力极差的男性,精子的这两项改变都会使正常受精变得不可能。This technique is often used when the man has aery low sperm count or ery poor sperm moement, both of which make normal fertilisation unlikely.

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“你可以想像新西兰政府向北京告发,然后非常严厉的措施压向当地政府,”她说。"As you can imagine when New Zealand Go ernment blew the whistle in Beijing aery hea y hand then descended on the local authorities, " she said.

飘渺宫的帅叔叔掌门并没有把我们直接传送到冰极魔宫外面,而是把所有人放在了一座小山包上。The handsome uncle Zhang door of aery temple didn't convey to us instantly the ice pole outdoor in the devil's den, yet put employer at a knoll mantle.

为了尽量保存听力手术中困难很大并且风险也大,这使得手术适应指征非常少。只有极少数的良性阵发性位置性眩晕患者需要进行外科手术治疗。These small numbers indicate that the procedures are difficult and risk compromising hearing and that aery small population of patients require surgical treatment of BPP.

周继君止住了轻咳,他全身气质陡然一变,银丝飞舞,飘渺而又淡泊。Week after gentleman lived to lightly cough, he the whole body qualities is abrupt however on changing, the silver silk dances in the wind, aery but lead simple life again.