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我浑身刺痒。I itch all over.

拿普通的痒来说吧。Take the common itch.

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疥螨会引起疥疮。Itch mites cause scabies.

由于花粉的过敏,我的眼睛刺痒难受。I have hay fever. My e itch.

手痒,急于想干某事。One's fingers itch to do sth.

由于花粉过敏,我的眼睛刺痒难受。I have hay fever. My eyes itch.

是手痒得想打他一个耳光。My fingers itch to box his ears.

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华盛顿——痒了为什么要挠挠?WASHINGTON – Got an itch to scratch?

大多数蚊子咬你只会让你感到瘙痒。Most skeeter bites just make you itch.

出汗后为什么脸上总痒痒?After perspiring why on the face total itch?

为什么太阳晒过的皮肤会变红?What causes sun-kissed skin to burn and itch?

当你想要大喊大叫的时候,用渴望来替代。When you want to scream and yell, instead ITCH.

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一些精神病人也有慢性骚痒。Some psychiatric patients also get chronic itch.

抓挠普通骚痒通常无害。Scratching an ordinary itch usually does no harm.

我开始觉得痒痒,非常想抓挠。I began to itch and desperately wanted to scratch.

到了2013年,他又觉得手痒,想重返工作岗位。In 2013, Barton felt the itch to get back to work.

这病可不好惹,又发烧,身上的痘痘又发痒。It can be the token, and fever, blain blain and itch.

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实际上,疼痛和瘙痒一直以来都很难分开。Indeed, pain and itch have been difficult to separate.

一种药剂,用于杀灭引起发痒的疥疮的小虫。A drug that destroys the itch mite that causes scabies.

猫猫狗狗都知道抓挠可以止痒。Every dog and cat knows that scratching relieves an itch.