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航空设施极其薄弱简陋。Aviation was lamentably weak and primitive.

我们强烈反对这个拙劣的、欠考虑的决定。We deplore this lamentably ill-advised decision.

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悲哀的是,那些富裕的债权国,比如德国,做得很少。Rich creditor countries, such as Germany, are 2. lamentably doing much less.

可怜的汤姆在查尔斯米拉贝尔爵士的宴会上,终于入席不久就酩酊大醉,弄得出丑露乖,丢尽了脸皮。Poor tom lamentably disgraced himself at sir charles mirable's table, by premature inebriation.

在难度不大而且没被施压的情况下,大牌球星们拙劣地犯下一连串传球失误,卡佩罗的任务之艰巨显而易见。As players of high reputation lamentably misplaced a series of straightforward, no-pressure passes, the size of his task must have become horribly apparent.

噢,虽然曼联又赢了,而切尔西在沃特福德的表现实在拙劣,不过要感谢那个不可思议的补时进球,令我们有一个蛮好的周末。So, although Manchester United won again and Chelsea played lamentably at Watford, thanks to that wonderful stoppage time goal it was a pretty good weekend.

但大多数癌症在人过了50岁之后出现,那也是恶性肿瘤发生率高涨的年纪。Lamentably common, cancer afflicts about one in three people at some point in their lives, but mostly after the age of 50, which is when chances for malignancy soar.

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受巴基斯坦连续几任军事领导人扶植的伊斯兰极端主义,现在把目标朝向了善意、却软弱无能的平民政府。The Islamist extremism nurtured by a succession of military rulers of Pakistan has now come to haunt its well-intentioned but lamentably weak elected civilian government.

鱼干女和食草男背离了以家庭为导向的儒家价值观,对浪漫没有多少兴趣,这在一定程度上可以解释为何韩国的生育率低得可怜。Offending family-orientated Confucian values, neither dried-fish woman nor herbivore man is much interested in romance, part of the reason why Korea's fertility rate is lamentably low.

鱼干女和食草男背离了以家庭为导向的儒家价值观,对浪漫没有多少兴趣,这在一定程度上可以解释为何韩国的生育率低得可怜。Offending family-orientated Confucian values, neither dried-fish woman nor herbivore man is much interested in romance, part of the reason why Korea's fertility rate is lamentably low.

鱼干女和食草男背离了以家庭为导向的儒家价值观,对浪漫没有多少兴趣,这在一定程度上可以解释为何韩国的生育率低得可怜。Offending family-orientated Confucian values, neither dried-fish woman nor herbivore man is much interested in romance, part of the reason why Korea's fertility rate is lamentably lowa.