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他甚至还放话要否决任何权益之计。He even promised to veto a stopgap measure.

但在我看来,这些治标的措施,无法治本。But in my opinion, these stopgap measures, not cure.

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可能会导致垃圾发行版被制作来当临时替补赚钱。Could lead to garbage distributions created as a stopgap to make money.

这些问题在午夜前几分钟要达成的一项权宜之计的支出议案中没有什么位置。These issues have no place in a stopgap spending bill a few minutes from midnight.

罗德里格-布巴荷有着惊人的潜力,杰森-特里在得分端上有着权宜之计。Rodrigue Beaubois is a promising talent and Jason Terry a bit of a stopgap at shooting guard.

当你开始清减你的东西时,“一来一去”是一个应急措施。When you start the process of minimizing your stuff, “one in, one out” is a good stopgap measure.

那么,在电子合同法律关系中,权宜之计该如何施行呢?。Then, how should the stopgap be implemented in dealing with the legal relationship of e-contracts?

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如果你感觉拖延会使你失去这份工作,作为权宜之计你可以先接受他。If you feel that you may lose the job if you delay, you can take it but think of it as a stopgap job.

在真正的驱动编写者电源管理指南出来之前这份快速要点Q&A仅作权宜之策。This is just a quick Q&A as a stopgap until a real driver writers' power management guide is available.

她说联合国难民署已经提供了帐篷给一些受到影响的家庭,但是这只是临时的应急措施。She says the agency has provided tents to some of the affected families. But, this is only a stopgap measure.

这一悬念标志着数月以来关于财政的争吵,在“延续性决议”这一权宜之计的推波助澜下达到顶峰。This cliffhanger is the culmination of months of fiscal bickering, punctuated by stopgap continuing resolutions.

阴差阳错的粉色眼睛和那副太大号的中国镜都勉强凑合,但根本连权宜之计都算不上。It coughed up the ill-fated pink ones and the oversized Chinese pairs, but those failed even as stopgap measures.

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虽然政府已经介入,但是这些应急措施无法免除许多人对于事态将进一步恶化的担忧。The government has intervened but many worry the stopgap measures will not prevent the problems from getting worse.

很多年轻人都在像Craigslist这样的网上找一些零活作为权宜之计。For many young people, free online classified services such as Craigslist are facilitating the search for stopgap jobs.

儿童基金会发言人塔沃说,基金会在流离失所者居住的营地里设立了所谓的“儿童天地”,做为一种权宜之计。UNICEF spokeswoman, Veronique Taveau, says her agency has set up so-called child friendly spaces in the camps as a stopgap measure.

立法者承受来自汽车工业批评压力的同时,质疑临时贷款是否真的可以拯救那些公司。Lawmakers bristled with pent-up criticism of the auto industry, and questioned whether a stopgap loan would really cure what ails the companies.

我国民事诉讼失权制度设计由于缺乏整体性考虑而呈现出“头痛医头,脚痛治脚”的局面。The design of civil procedure loss right system in China takes on the situation of "taking stopgap measures" because of lack of consideration as a whole.

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临时开支议案通过前不久,威斯康星州共和党国会议员保罗·瑞安倡导的预算方案在共和党领导的众议院获得通过。Shortly before approving the stopgap spending bill, the GOP-led House greenlighted a budget plan championed by Republican Congressman Paul Ryan of Wisconsin.

但是都灵体育报坚持认为利物浦主帅贝尼特斯希望购入这名前纽卡斯尔后卫来顶替队中刚受伤的卡拉格。But Tuttosport insisted that Liverpool boss Rafael Benitez is set to look to the ex-Newcastle United defender to play stopgap after the injury to Jamie Carragher.

尽管国会本周末忙于讨论政府紧急融资措施,但新当选的共和党议员正在推动赤字问题成为中心议题.Newly elected Republicans are moving the deficit to center stage, even as Congress wrestles this weekend with a stopgap funding measure to keep the government running.