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让我们来讨论。Let’s discuss.

分小组讨论。Discuss in groups first.

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他从不谈钱。He didn’t discuss money.

你们可以分组讨论。You may discuss in groups.

我将在下面来讨论这些。I will discuss these below.

心胸狭小的人道人长短。Small minds discuss people.

这本书讲的是什么?What does the book discuss?

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我们接下来讨论什么呢?What shall we discuss next?

咱们改日再议吧!Let's discuss it another day.

讨论付款条件了吗?discuss the terms of payment?

让我们一一道来。Let's discuss how we got here.

但是他们不会坐下来讨论。But they cannot sit and discuss.

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让我们讨论了上道的东西。Let's Discuss the On-Road Stuff.

此规定在学生中一石激起千重浪。Students discuss the provisions.

但我们下次课会讨论。But we will discuss it next time.

本文主要讨论什帽槭题?What does the text mainly discuss?

讨论互相评改,听教师总结。Discuss it in pairs, and sum it up.

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我们有很多东汐要讨论,对吧?。We have a lot to discuss don' t we?

我们按此顺序讨论这种方法。We discuss the method in this order.

提姆和唐诺在讨论彼此的嗜好。Tim and Donald discuss their hobbies.