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太守谓谁?Who is the prefecture chief.

汶川是阿坝州的一部分。Wenchuan forms part of the prefecture.

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我替市政府当一天骂街的。I owe my fishwife day to the prefecture.

是丽江地区成立最早的旅行社。Lijiang Prefecture is the oldest travel agencies.

他扮演扬州知府顾读。He plays Gu Du, the governor of Yangzhou prefecture.

千叶县浦安市崩裂的路。A collapsed road in Urayasu city, in Chiba prefecture.

他跑了在盛冈市,岩手县漆艺画廊。He ran a lacquer art gallery in Morioka, Iwate Prefecture.

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其中,山梨县是首次被测出。Among them, Yamanashi Prefecture is the first time measured.

辽代时大连地区属东京通辽阳府的辖区。Dalian is the time Liao Tong Liaoyang Prefecture Tokyo area.

冲绳是日本的一个县或称地方管辖区。Okinawa is a Prefecture or sub national jurisdiction of Japan.

田中真纪子现年57岁,出生在新泻县。Ms. Tanaka is a 57-year-old politician from Niigata prefecture.

学生最远的来自神奈川县的藤泽。Students come from as far away as Fujisawa, Kanagawa Prefecture.

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学生最远的来自神奈川县的藤泽。Students come from as far away as fujisawa , kanagawa prefecture.

杭州太守姚合爱其诗,加以冠巾,改名贺。Hangzhou Prefecture Yao love the poem, to crown towel, renamed Ho.

余箬川流经日本櫔木县北部。Yosasa river flows through the north of Tochigi Prefecture in Japan.

谢继书,1954年生,中国,福建省泉州市人。Hsieh Ji-shu was born in Quanzhou prefecture in Fujian, China in 1954.

别墅位于冈山省濑户内海附近。The house positions itself in Okayama Prefecture near Seto Inland Sea.

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盘成郡燃烧中的建筑,福岛县的沿海城镇。Buildings burned in Iwaki city, a coastal town in Fukushima prefecture.

1879年,日本吞并琉球并改称冲绳县。Japan seized Ryukyu in 1879 and changed its name to Okinawa Prefecture.

丽江地区是云南省发展最快的旅游区。Lijiang Prefecture is the major developing tourist area of Yunnan Province.