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目的了解横琴岛嗜人按蚊盐水耐受特性。Objective To study the salt-tolerant characteristic of the An. anthropophagus in Zhuhai Hengqin Island.

目的观察拜虫杀对中华按蚊和嗜人按蚊的毒杀效果。ObjectiveTo observe the effectiveness of Responsar against Anopheles sinensis and Anopheles anthropophagus.

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目的对实验室选育的嗜人按蚊抗溴氰菊酯品系进行抗性遗传特性分析。Objective To analyze the genetic characteristics of deltamethrin resistant strain of Anopheles anthropophagus.

目的比较群体产卵法与单管产卵法对提高嗜人按蚊繁殖率的效果。Objective To compare the effects of colony oviposition and single tube oviposition for improving the reproductive rate of Anopheles anthropophagus.

用二维电泳法比较分析两种按蚊卵的蛋白质多肽图谱。The polypeptide patterns of the eggs of Anopheles sinensis and An. anthropophagus were compared with two-dimensional electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gel.

目的观察嗜人按蚊是否存在“同期突增”和“同期突发”现象,以期探讨嗜人按蚊存在迁飞特性的可能性。Objective To investigate the migrating possibility of Anopheles anthropophagus through observing its special behavior of homochronous sudden increasing and appearance.

横琴嗜人按蚊比其它按蚊能耐咸水的特性是造成其密度比其它按蚊密度大的原因之一。Anopheles anthropophagus in Hengqin island can bear the salt water than other mosquito lead to huge density. Both bovine blood and human blood are the favorites of the An.

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捕获中华按蚊4744只,未发现嗜人按蚊,疟疾暴发发点氟氯氰菊酯药物浸泡蚊帐340顶。Anopheles sinensis were captured in malaria vector surveillance sites and no Anopheles anthropophagus was found. 340 bed nets were impregnated with Cyfluthrin in a local outbreak site.

目的鉴别中国不同地区嗜人按蚊,特别是海南岛与内陆嗜人按蚊间有无种型差异。Objective To identify if there are the species difference among the strains of Anopheles anthropophagus of different areas, especially between Hainan Island and the inner land in China.

结论不同地域的嗜人按蚊成蚊形态无明显差异,5种不同地域嗜人按蚊卵的甲板宽度虽有一定差别,但其差别应属嗜人按蚊间的正常波动。Conclusion Apart from normal fluctuation, there were no significant differences among An. anthropophagus from 5 different regions of China in adult morphological characters and egg measurement.