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它不容易松弛下陷。It doesn's sag easily.

我想一位淑女是不会穿宽松裤的。I don't think a lady would sag.

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他的双颊开始松垂。His cheeks are beginning to sag.

他的双颊开始松垂。His cheeks are beginning to sag.

但是,我的皮肤开始变得松弛,还出现了皱纹。However, my skin began to sag and fold.

但是再过三年,我就要开始年老色衰了。But in three years, I'll start to rot and sag.

北塘凹陷具有幕式沉降的特征。Beitang Sag had a feature of episodic subsidence.

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由钢索自重引起的垂度是竖向的。The cable sag caused by cable dead weight is vertical.

他要求SAG的成员进行罢工。He asked the SAG membership for a strike authorization.

他们注意到,桥已经开始有点下沉了。The bridge was beginning to sag a little, they noticed.

他感到床垫往下一沉,然后她的嘴唇堵住了他的。He felt the sag of the mattress and then her lips on his.

锡特拉皮兹市的通用磨粉公司就安设了骤降校正器。General Mills installed the sag correctors at Cedar Rapids.

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我们在胶筒中间内部有微凹形状与内囊。Sag and internal vesicle are arranged in the rubber barrel.

孟岗集洼陷是东濮凹陷内勘探程度最低的地区。Menggangji sag is a region least explored in Dongpu depression.

在大约1.1秒的一个反射波出现了第一次明显的时间滞。The first conspicuous sag in a reflection occurs at about 1.1s.

临南油田是惠民凹陷内一个典型的断块油田。Linnan Oilfield is a typical fault block oilfield in Huimin Sag.

这种胶粘剂在垂直表面有一个30毫米的抗流挂性。The adhesive has a sag resistance of 30mm on a vertical surface.

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披萨尖儿指一片披萨顶端馅料掉下的地方。Tip sag refers to when the tip of one's pizza slice droops down.

我就索性邋邋遢遢,看到我的人都会认为我睡觉不脱衣服。I cheerfully bag and sag and look as if I have slept in my suits.

三角洲的物源主要来自洼陷的东部和南坡。The provenance of delta is the eastern and south slope of the sag.