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它应该是禁用的。It should be disabled.

他是一个残废军人。He is a disabled soldier.

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在默认情况下,这是禁用的。By default, this is disabled.

鼠标键已被禁用。Mouse keys has been disabled.

她因失明而丧失视力。She was disabled by blindness.

VTP的陷阱默认情况下禁用。VTP trap is disabled by default.

不开放站点注册。Site registration has been disabled.

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“,”对不起,单页结帐已禁用。“Sorry, Onepage Checkout is disabled.

必须禁用所有锁定装置。All lock-on devices must be disabled.

还有数百万人受伤或致残。Millions more are injured or disabled.

我们中的一些人瞧不起残疾人是错误的。It's wrong that some of us the disabled.

他从一开始就同情那个残疾人。He warmed to the disabled from the start.

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禁用切换全屏模式的游戏。Disabled toggling Fullscreen mode in game.

杜雷说他将帮助残疾人。Dooley said that he would help the disabled.

他付出一生的心血去帮助那些残疾人。He devoted his life to helping the disabled.

帮助残疾人是我们义不容辞的责任。It is our bounden duty to help the disabled.

这台机器已为文件加密而停用。This machine is disabled for file encryption.

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毕业后,她曾担任残疾儿童教师。After graduation, she taught disabled children.

准将,他把舵链松开了,先生。Commodore, he's disabled the rudder chain, sir.

我认为尤其是那两位残疾运动员。I think in particular the two disabled athletes.