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到处都是呼噜声。Everywhere a oink oink.

谁是我的哼哼?Where is my female Oink ?

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这里呼噜声,那里呼噜声。Here a oink, there a oink.

这里哼哼叫,那里也哼哼叫。Here an oink , there an oink.

农场里的小猪嗷嗷叫。Pig on the farm go oink oink.

嗷嗷,看看那只大猪。Oink oink, look at the big pig.

这里哼哼叫,那里也哼哼叫。With an oink oink here, and an oink oink there.

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下午她在池塘边唱「小猪之歌」。In the afternoon she sang oink song by the pond.

这里噢咽一声,那里噢咽一声,到处噢咽叫!Here an oink, there an oink, Everywhere an oink oink.

在阿里巴巴的农场里,小猪嗷嗷叫。"Oink, Oink"cry his little pigs, On the farm of Ali Ba-ba.

正当玉皇大帝要宣布比赛结束时,一只小猪发出了呼噜声。Just as the emperor was about to call it a day, an oink was heard from a little pig.

玉帝正准备收工,他听到了一头小猪长而尖锐的呼噜声。Just as the Jade Emperor was about to call it a day, an oink and squeal was heard from a little pig.

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在过去的几年中,美国犹他州的一个猎鸭俱乐部一直在借助小猪帮他们赶走在俱乐部中筑巢的海鸥。这种用小猪驱赶海鸥的方法效果非常明显。With an oink oink here and an oink oink there, four weaner pigs seemed to have scared seagulls away from a duck hunting club.

他指出,中国的水泥消费量占全球一半以上,铁、煤、铅、锌、铝和猪肉消费量占全球近一半。China, he points out, accounts for more than half the world's consumption of cement, and nearly half its use of iron, coal, lead, zinc, aluminum and, oink oink, pigs.