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我是理式学院毕业生。I am a college graduate.

你儿子啥时候毕业?""When does your son graduate?

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我在读研究生时与他相识I met him in graduate school.

分水岭出现在研究生院。It starts in graduate school.

当我选择念研究生。When I choosed post graduate.

你什么时候从马大毕业?When did you graduate from UM?

两年之后,娄靖即将毕业。In two years she will graduate.

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你将要在这学期后毕业是吗?And you graduate after this term?

独立的男女同校研究院Coed, independent graduate school

我毕业于北京大学。I graduate from Peking Universit.

但是他还在读研究生。but he is in the graduate school.

2009年又将有六百一十万人毕业。Another 6.1m will graduate in 2009.

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博士、硕士研究生6400余人。Dr. , graduate student 6400 people.

可能是个研究生。He may be a post- graduate student.

到了毕业年,她们坐位远了。To graduate years, they seat is far.

研究生院永远会在那里。Graduate school will always be there.

你是一个音乐学院的毕业生?Are you a graduate of a Conservatoire?

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我将毕业于湖南大学。I will graduate from Hunan University.

这个小伙子是法学院的毕业生。This lad is a college of law graduate.

格陵兰人很少读大学。Few Greenlanders graduate from college.