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记得关掉汽车发动机。Remember rto kill the gar engine.

我猜测一定是有第三者插足。I gar there must be a third person involved.

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GAR模型为应用很广的一类非线性时间序列模型,AR模型为其特殊情况。GAR models arc the general non-linear models and All model is its special case.

到了午夜前后,侍者送来了啤酒和三明治—鱼子酱三明治。Around midnight the gar?on arrives with beer and sandwiches – caviar sandwiches.

2010年底,经历了人员变更之后,重生的嘎调将继续未完的征程。In late 2010, after a change of line up, GAR will embark on their unfinished journey.

文末还就GAR模型用于稻瘟病预测的条件和特点进行了讨论。In addition, the conditions and features of forecasting rice blast by using GAR model was discussed.

不过,如果要真的有人出来干这些勾当来获取权力和利益,我们的警察也可以做到。Our police too can do it if they really come out of theirworsted interests to gar be money and power.

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本纲的目的是把全世界的白鹤派联合,与其他的狮子吼,侠家和喇嘛派。The objective of this site is to unite the Pak Hok Pai around the world and other related style like Lion's Roar, Hop Gar and Lama Pai.

彬格莱没有回答,可是他的姐妹们兴高采烈地表示同意,并继续嘲笑了一会儿亲爱的朋友的下贱亲戚。Bingley did not answer, but his sisters agreed enthusiastically, and continued mocking their dear friend's vul- gar relations for some time.

贝根,一名学生洪园和一个狂热的武侠电影爱好者已编辑的两英国出版物,打击杂志和杂志的影响。Bey Logan, a student of Hung Gar and an avid martial arts film buff has been editor of two UK publications, Combat magazine and Impact magazine.

寻遍全世界鳄鱼、鱼和恐龙的杂交后代,鳄雀鳝是美国一种最大的淡水鱼。Looking for all the world like the cross between an alligator, a fish and dinosaur, the alligator gar is the largest freshwater fish in America.

在GAR协议的基础上进一步改进,提出了GALMR协议,该协议通过标记节点发现过程,减少路由跳数,提高算法的执行效率。GALMR protocol is proposed by improving GAR protocol. The proposed protocol takes advantage of landmarks to reduce the hops of routing paths, the performance is improved.

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在利比亚,服兵役是强制性的,他曾在军中呆过一段时间,不过起义爆发之前,他在班加西利比亚加尤尼斯大学学习阿拉伯文学。Military service is mandstory in Libya, and he had spent some time in the army, but before the uprising broke out, he was a student in Arabic literature at Gar Younis University in Benghazi.

在分析了经典的GPSR协议的基础上,GAR协议根据节点拓扑变化,划分路由范围,利用斜率转发策略,进一步缩小了搜索范围,优化了搜索路径,克服了路由算法解决本地最小问题所带来的复杂性。According to GPSR protocol, GAR protocol divides the routing regions and makes use of the slope forwarding strategy. As a result, the scope of the search is narrowed, and the paths are optimized.

针对吉化炼油厂乙烯分厂聚乙烯装置氮气净化系统开车出现的精氮气中氧含量超标问题,提出了技术改造方案。With respect to a problem that oxygen content exceed standard value during start-up of nitrogen gar purifying system in LLDPE plant. A technical scheme of revamping is put forward in the article.