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最近Vioxx的崩溃证明了这一点。The recent Vioxx debacle bears this out.

根廷崩溃供重教。Argentine debacle has important lessons to teach.

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看看我们美国人以前是如何应对储贷危机的。Just look at how we had handled our savings and loan debacle.

而2009年选举的惨败,更加重了他们的怀疑。The debacle of the 2009 elections sharpened their scepticism.

一种崭新的城市门禁社区形态能扭转中国的生态崩溃吗?Can a new type of urban gated community reverse China's ecological debacle?

然而,“未来发电”的瓦解显示出改革现实仍就相当混乱。But the FutureGen debacle has shown the all too messy reality of innovation.

毕竟,我们如何从次贷崩溃赚钱就是坐着等待。After all, sitting and waiting is how we made money from the subprime debacle.

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BP在俄罗斯的经历的失败告诉我们,在石油行业里,很少能迅速谈成或落实什么买卖。As BP's Russian debacle showed, there are few quick fixes in the oil business.

你还记得出版的崩溃,这是法院组织辛普森的书名如果我这样做呢?Do you remember the publishing debacle that was OJ Simpson's book entitled If I did it?

在里根执政期间,面对储蓄和贷款崩溃的时候,我们自己也用过。It’s also what we ourselves did after the savings and loan debacle of the Reagan years.

正在进行之中的金融危机可能以两种方式阻碍欧盟成员的进一步扩张。The ongoing financial debacle could retard further expansion of EU membership in two ways.

也可以避免像底特律那些脑满肠肥的主管一样,在上周忍受完全失败的公关所带来的苦果。It might also avoid the kind of public relations debacle Detroit's fat cats endured last week.

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不过这次出师不利的教训伴随着社交网络对现实世界的冲击一直在他脑海里挥之不去。But the lessons from the debacle still linger along with the real-world impact of social media.

我们甚至还没开始着手处理欧债危机,第三波债务危机又将到来,这一次地点换成了中国。We haven't even gotten started on that one when a third debt debacle starts rumbling, in China.

让人感到悲哀的是,整个金融崩溃本来是可预见的,不仅可预见而且可避免。What is so sad about this whole debacle is that it was predictable. Predicatable and avoidable.

在拉姆斯菲尔德任内,没有人因不称职被解雇——甚至在阿布格莱布监狱落败之后也没有。On Rumsfeld's watch, no one got fired for incompetence—not even after the Abu Ghraib prison debacle.

比如说,伴随着为期16个月之久的互联网经济的衰退而来的长达7年的扩张。For instance, a 16-month recession after the dot-com debacle was followed by seven years of expansion.

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通过实施对印旅游禁令,直到印度采取措施解决这种人祸,这才唯一的解决之道。By placing a travel ban to india until something is done about this avoidable debacle is the only answer.

这主要是因为他从另一事件中学到教训——在索马里的“黑鹰坠落”事件。This was largely because of what he learnt from another event — the "Black Hawk down" debacle in Somalia.

谈到利润,我赞成乔丹女士关于把蒙太尼的祸事变为好事的想法。Speaking of profits, I like Mrs. Jordan's idea of turning our Montayne debacle into a commercial advantage.