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数据挖掘是包含许多技术的多学科领域。Data mining is a multidisciplinary field with many techniques.

达到缓解或治愈目的需要多学科的手段。This requires a multidisciplinary approach to achieve palliation or cure.

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该所工作人员的专业也是多学科的。The specializations of the staff members in HBI is also multidisciplinary.

该会议录是世界上最多的被多学科引用的期刊。PNAS is one of the world's most-cited multidisciplinary scientific serials.

恩尼斯和佩里是一个多学科的设计工作室建立在知识和专长。Ennis & Perry is a multidisciplinary design studio built on knowledge and expertise.

通学专业接受的是多学科教育。Students of general studies programs take a multidisciplinary approach to education.

托马索内尔韦尼亚是一个多学科设计师和摄影师在米兰,意大利。Tommaso Nervegna is a Multidisciplinary Designer and photographer based in Milan, Italy.

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NBBJ是一家涉足多领域的建筑设计和城市规划的设计公司,总部设在美国。NBBJ is a multidisciplinary architecture, planning and design firm headquartered in the USA.

达尼丁多学科健康与发展研究中心的成员参与了此项研究。Study participants were members of the Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development Study.

P-REX通过联合各个共同兴趣小组来实现它的多学科综合研究项目。The P-REX partners with like-minded groups to implement its multidisciplinary research program.

RTKL是一家综合性建筑,规划和设计公司,总部位于美国。RTKL is a multidisciplinary architecture, planning and design firm headquartered in the United States.

因为之前没人制造过这样一种需要多学科技术的照明产品,现在的制造技术也是五花八门。Since nobody has built such a multidisciplinary lighting product before, approaches have varied wildly.

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遥感信息技术是一项集现代高新技术于大成的复杂系统工程。The information technology of remote sensing is a multidisciplinary and complicated system engineering.

爱因斯坦的研究成果大多是多学科的和抽象的,而今天的物理学则具有很强的针对性和实验性。Much of Einstein’s work was multidisciplinary and abstract, while physics today is focused and empirical.

坦佩雷大学是一所综合大学,致力于科学研究和先进技术。The University of Tampere is multidisciplinary and committed to scientific research and to advanced teaching.

调整后的浙江大学成为一所多科性的工业大学。After the readjustment and restructuring, Zhejiang University became a multidisciplinary polytechnical university.

运用多学科多视角的分析方法,对植入式广告的优劣势进行比较。Multidisciplinary and multi-angle method are used to compare the advantages and disadvantages of product placement.

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目的观察综合康复治疗对脑卒中偏瘫患者预后的影响。ObjectiveTo observe the effect of multidisciplinary rehabilitation on prognosis of patients with stroke hemiplegia.

这样一来,也有利于对“从”字句今后研究朝多角度,多学科研究的方向迈进。Thus, also helps to "from" -sentence toward angles and the future research direction of multidisciplinary research.

有几所学校开展了基于社区的教育,注重解决具体问题,并侧重多学科团队学习。Several schools are using community-based education, problem-based learning, and multidisciplinary team-based learning.