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求的就是“高”字。Demand is "high".

他们要求尊严。They demand dignity.

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要求高标准。Demand high standards.

我们需要满足需求。We need to meet demand.

您需要为它做出预算。Budget for it. Demand it.

强大的选材需求。Great demand of material.

个体需求模式?。Disaggregate Demand Model?

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中国的需求正在回升。China demand is perking up.

要求扫描的行为是猖獗的。Demand for scans is rampant.

他们要求以血还血。They demand blood for blood.

码头工人要求什么。What do the dockers demand ?

价格随着需求的变化而波动。The price hovers with demand.

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接下来还会要求什么呢?What will the next demand be?

我要求见你们主任。I demand to see your directer.

如有需求请来函来电!If demand please call letters!

供过于求。The supply exceeds the demand.

欧洲的脱脂需求很旺盛。Europe has good demand for SMP.

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不清楚工作对自己的要求。Hazy about demand from shebang.


“白衣妇人”拒绝了这一要求。The group rejected that demand.