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红头发?Red hair?

黑头发。Dark hair.

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扎头发的蝴蝶结?A hair bow.

黑头发?Black hair?

梳梳我的头。Comb my hair.

帮我烫头发。Perm my hair.

爱抚她的头发。Pet her hair.

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这么多玩发当中。So more hair.

帮我洗头发。Wash my hair.

我洗濯头发。I rie my hair.

吹头发。Blows the hair.

我喜欢我的头发.I like my hair.

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这是她的头发吗?Is it her hair?

可能是我的头型?Perhaps my hair?

他满头白发。He has grey hair.

他留着长头发。He has long hair.

头发真的是太长了。My hair is sobig.

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他有一头金发。He has blond hair.

他长着红头发。He's got red hair.

我换发型啦、我头发剪过啦。I had my hair cut.