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很好,那么我的录象带在哪儿?Good, and then where is my videotape ?

电视台的人来鲜货市场录制节目来哩。The TV people came to videotape the market!

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是詹姆斯.邦德新片的录像带。It's a videotape of the new James Bond movie.

这种录像带能自动倒回。This kind of videotape rewinds automatically.

别犯愁了.我有盘新录像带,你要看吗?Come on.I have a new videotape.Do you want to see it?

叫其他人把故事抄录下来或者用磁带记录。Have someone scribe the stories or videotape the event.

因为精神准备并不迷人或者也不易于录制。Because mental preparation is not glamorous or easy to videotape.

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但是如果你不介意的话,我很想看看那卷我找到的录像带。Though, if you wouldn't mind, I'd like to see that videotape I found.

它之于键盘就像世界语之于语言和录像机之于录像带。It is to the keyboard what Esperanto is to language and Betamax to videotape.

录像带的线条紧贴在书插上,像圣诞树上的彩条。Spools of videotape clung to the branches like streamers on a Christmas tree.

我们向贵公司买空买的录像机有一台有问题。We are having problems with one of the videotape players we purchased from you.

特尼说关于她招供的录象带是伪造的。The only woman among them, Faye Turney, says her videotape confessions were false.

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半岛电视台说,一个自称统一圣行拥护者的组织制作了这个录像。Al-Jazeera said a group calling itself "Ansar al-Tawid wal Sunnah" produced the videotape.

他们被出示了一盒录像带,上面有十个人分别说的是谎言或真话。They were shown a videotape of ten individuals who were either lying or telling the truth.

另外,家里保留了我在迈卡菲幼儿园时班里拍的一个录像带。Other events included videotape taken of me during my stay at Mcguffy kindergarten.swheresmy

新闻记者隐瞒自己的身份或意图,以“偷拍偷录”的手段进行隐性采访是否合法?。Is it lawful that journalists hide their identity or intention to secretly tape or videotape?

伤害留下的记忆就像录像带一样,你头脑中反复播放,而饶恕就能把这些抹去。Forgiveness erases the videotape of that hurt memory that keeps playing over and over in your mind.

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我把所有的深蹲训练都录象,以便我可以发现并在以后的训练中纠正自己的错误。I videotape all of my squat workouts so I can see my mistakes and correct them at the next workout.

“电视闭音”是指在播放录像带时,将声音关闭的一种特殊放像方式。Mute Television" means that the sound the television is cut off when the videotape is being played."

可是,官员们经过深入研究录像后发现斯拉茨漏掉一个门,因此斯拉茨被取消了得奖资格。However, Schranz was disqualified for missing a gate after extensive study of videotape by officials.