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我依家要去复习微经了…I must go to review the microeconomics now!

在第一学期乔。怀特的微观经济学课程上我得了个“良”。I made a C in Joe Whites microeconomics class first semester.

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麻省理工学院中级应用微观经济学学习资料。Study Materials of Intermediate Applied Microeconomics sugar sugg sol.

微不雅观经济学研究的银行保险产物和价格的稀疏。Studies on the microeconomics and pricing of bancassurance products are sparse.

他旁听的课程包括计算机科学、新闻学以及微观经济学。Classes he has attended include computer science, journalism and microeconomics.

个体经济学1。使学生瞭解个体经济学的基本分析架构。Microeconomics 1. To introduce students a general framework for microeconomic analysis.

对这些基本假设的解释,使宏观经济学和微观经济学紧密相连。The explanations to the basic suppositions have closely connected macroeconomics and microeconomics.

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包络定理是微观经济学中的一个重要定理。本文对这一定理进行了述评。The Envelope Theorem is an important theorem in microeconomics. We comment on this theorem in the paper.

在未来微观经济会导致产品的专业化和客户化以方便顾客。Microeconomics in the future will lead to more customization and specialization of products for consumers.

引入微观经济学知识,设计了一种双模式网格资源分配模型。Introducing the knowledge on microeconomics into grid computing, a dual-scheme resource assignment model is therefore developed.

要求学生必须熟悉数学建模、微观经济学、计量经济学分析以及博弈论基础。It requires that students be comfortable with mathematical modeling, microeconomics , econometric analysis, and basic game theory.

本课程旨在介绍一般个体经济理论之观念,及其在农企业管理问题研究上之应用。The purpose of this course is to study the theory of microeconomics and its application to the problems in agribusiness management.

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相反,微观经济学研究的就是经济行为和决策的个体消费者,公司和行业。In contrast, microeconomics is the study of the economic behaviour and decision-making of individual consumers, firms, and industries.

1977年春,我在普林斯顿开始了大学生活,接触到哈维·罗森教授的微观经济学原理课,课程出色,资料充沛,收益极大。In the spring of 1977, as a freshman at Princeton, I took Principles of Microeconomics from Harvey Rosen. Harvey was an excellent teacher.

这是一本最为优秀的古典微观经济学大学教材,只有乔治。斯蒂格勒的价格理论可以与其媲美。This is the best university text on traditional microeconomics in the English language. Its only rival is George Stigler's "Price Theory".

微观经济领域的内容以新的方式进入地理信息领域,引起对地理信息市场结构的研究。Spatial information business behavior taking into account of microeconomics rules and structure of geo-information market is also explored.

边际网损系数法是一种基于微观经济学的原则和网损分摊方法分配的功率流解决方案。Marginal loss coefficient method is a loss allocation method based on the principle of microeconomics and the assigned power flow solutions.

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主课文所涉及的内容包括宏观经济学和微观经济学方面的基础知识和基本概念。The key texts cover basic knowledge and concepts in both macroeconomics and microeconomics. There are ten Units for teaching in this course.

大学期间我修了50多门课程,包括微观经济学、宏观经济学、市场原理、销售管理、统计学等。I take more than 50 courses in university including microeconomics macroeconomics marketing principles sales management statistics and so on.

微观经济学中的边际效用理论不仅仅可以用于解释经济领域中的现象,对消费者广告信息的搜寻也具有普遍的适用性。The theory of marginal utility in microeconomics can not only interpret the issues in economy, but also can be employed in consumer's ad information search.