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碳化硅生产是高耗能行业。SiC synthesis is a high-energy-costing industry.

铝液对粘土结合碳化硅侵蚀属于晶间腐蚀。The corrosion of clay-bonded SiC is grain boundary erosion.

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是啊,如果她多爱我一点就会放狗咬我了。Yeah! If she liked me any more, she'd sic the dogs onto me.

让我们拭目以待詹姆斯对于诺维茨基在第四节具有侵略性的防守吧。Look for Miami to sic James on Nowitzki in the fourth quarter.

讨论了碳化硅纳米纤维的气-固生长机理。Vapor-solid growth mechanism of the SiC nanofibers was discussed.

此结果对冶金用特型碳化硅砖结构设计有一定的参考价值。These results are useful for structure design of especial sic in metallurgy.

碳化硅是由碳和硅以共价键为主结合而成的化合物,属非氧化物材料。SiC is combined by and Si by covalent bond, Which is a kind of non-oxide materials.

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通过先驱体转化法,制备出三叶形、三折叶形和T形截面碳化硅纤维。Trilobal, swirl-shaped and T-shaped SiC fibers were prepared from precursor polymer.

最后,根据本章的分析,提出情事变更制度在我国合同法中的立法条文建议。At last, it designs articles of clausula rebus sic stantibus for the Contract Law of China.

采用真空无压烧结进行碳化硅复合粉体的烧结致密化。The densification of SiC composite powders was carried out by vacuum pressureless sintering.

采用真空无压烧结进行碳化硅复合粉体的致密化烧结处理。The densification of SiC composite powders was accomplished by vacuum pressureless sintering.

应用碳化硅砖后,延长了出铁口及整个炉衬的使用寿命。Since the SiC brick was applied , the life of taphole and lining on the furnace was prolonged.

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第二天,仍有许多穆斯林在清真寺的屋顶上避难。Sic. Next day, there were still many Muslims left who had taken refuge on the roof of the mosque.

介绍了对引进产品中通用基础标准在南飞公司的贯彻情况。This article introduces thd implementation of general ba sic standards of imported products in NAMC.

第五部分对完善我国情事变更制度进行了法律思考。The fifth part does some legal consideration of perfecting the system of Clausula Rebus sic Stantibus.

第三部分对本案合同能否适用情事变更制度进行了分析。The third part analysis whether this contract could apply to the system of Clausula Rebus sic Stantibus.

在碳化硅质耐火材料中,粘土结合碳化硅是生产工艺最简单、价格最低的制品。Refractory in the silicon carbide, clayey SiC has the most simple production process and the lowest price.

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最近收购APEI由克里同样应该加快碳化硅模块封装的发展。The recent acquisition of APEI by Cree should likewise accelerate the development of SiC module packaging.

采用热蒸发硅碎片的方法,在PAN碳纤维上原位生长碳化硅纳米纤维。SiC nanofibers were prepared by the thermal evaporation of Si fragments onto the PAN carbon fibers at 1500℃.

土壤无机碳和有机碳作为区域化变量,既有随机性又有结构性。As regionalized variables, the contents of SIC and of SOC had the characteristic of structure as well as random.