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她的秀发是她的无尚荣耀。Her hair is her crowning glory.

酒店的员工们就是酒店王冠上闪耀的光芒。The hotel staff were the crowning glory of the hotel.

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拥有理性是人类的最高成就。Rationality is the crowning achievement of our species.

把所谓“明星”捧做文唐袈贵即是抹杀他们。Crowning "stars" among literary upstarts is killing them.

甚至头顶上没有任何东西变成了某些人的至高荣耀!Even having nothing on the head can be one’s crowning glory!

他们用可口可乐瓶子揍他的脑袋,把他打昏过去。They polished him off by crowning him with a Coca-Cola bottle.

我听到天庭鼓乐齐鸣,在为我的女儿加冕。I heard the celestial music form Heaven, which is crowning for you.

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我听到天庭鼓乐齐鸣,在为我的女儿加冕。I heard the celestial music from Heaven, which is crowning for you.

这是个重要时刻,它使得优胜杯赛组织者的努力圆满告捷。It is an important moment, crowning the efforts of the Cup organisers.

他们的巅峰之作就是星际煅炉——终极战争机器。Their crowning achievent was the Star Forge, the ultimate war machine.

用鱼眼镜头捕捉到弧线光亮的加拿大的荒野。A fisheye lens captures arcs of light crowning the Canadian wilderness.

鱼眼镜头捕捉了加拿大荒野的彩虹的弓形光线。A fisheye lens captures arcs of light crowning the Canadian wilderness.

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五月女皇加冕礼是整个庆祝活动的核心部分。The crowning of the May Day Queen was often the centre of celebrations.

该场面是这部精彩娱乐片的精华。The scene is the crowning glory of this marvellously entertaining show.

加冠的荣耀为实用射击将适合IPSC世界冠军。The crowning glory for practical shooting is to become the IPSC World Champion.

由女王授予爵士荣衔是他漫长而成功的经历中的无上荣誉。Being knighted by the Queen was the crowning glory of his long and successful career.

永远离弃他们前,请为王子加冕,治理王国,来安慰这些臣民。Before leaving them for good, comfort them by crowning your son to rule in your place.

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合身、且质地正确的被毛,对粗毛苏格兰牧羊犬而言,是无比的光荣。The well-fitting, proper-textured coat is the crowning glory of the rough variety of Collie.

据传说,哪个统治者在加冕礼上为自己加冕而使教皇震惊呢?According to legend, what ruler surprised the Pope by crowning himself during a coronation ceremony?

贾妮斯是迄今最复杂的人造人,是几十年技术的积累到达的最高成就。Janice was the most sophisticated android ever created, the crowning achievement of decades of work.