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这字装帜经受过广泛的试验。The device undergone extensive testing.

我知道我身上发生了沧海桑田般的变化。I knew that I had undergone a sea change.

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卓别林的家庭生活经历了许多变化。Chaplins family life has undergone many changes.

所有病例均经再手术治愈。All patients undergone by reoperation were cured.

设计本身了已经经历了深刻的变化。Design itself has undergone deep changes as well.

我得知你刚经历了一场手术。I learnt that you had just undergone an operation.

我总共经历了超过八次成功的手术。I've undergone more than eight successful operations.

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转企改制试点文艺院团已超过200家。Over 200 troupes have undergone pilot transformations.

这个城市在过去十年中经历了很多变化。The city has undergone many changes during the last ten years.

家具行业也经历了类似的转变。The furniture industry has undergone a similar transformation.

也正因为如此,德国与美国的关系产生了变化。German-US relations have undergone tremendous changes recently.

全部病例均作平扫及增强CT扫描。Plain and enhancement CT scanning was undergone in each patient.

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自此,刘欣桐的生活发生了翻天覆地的变化。Since then, Liu Xintong life has undergone earth-shaking changes.

欧洲在过去的10到15年间经历了一场悄无声息的变革。Europe has undergone a quiet revolution over the past 10 to 15 years.

就连她人品上的魅力也经历了类似的变化。Even the attractiveness of her person had undergone a similar change.

研究结果表明2001年至2005年景观格局发生了很大变化。Research shows 2001-2005 landscape pattern has undergone big changes.

米兰的非利甫。因扎吉已经做了手指断裂的手术。Milan's Filippo Inzaghi has undergone surgery on his fractured finger.

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美国政治上优先考虑的事情已然经历了一个大转变。AMERICA'S political priorities have undergone a breathtaking about-turn.

美国政治上的优先任务发生了惊人的大转变。AMERICA’S political priorities have undergone a breathtaking about-turn.

下咽癌的术后重建经历了一个非常复杂的演变过程。Reconstruction of the hypopharynx has undergone a complicated evolution.