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他的作品具有基督教时代所特有的蒙昧主义的缺点。His work suffers from the obscurantism typical of the Christian era.

先秦时期“愚民”的主要内涵,涉及知识、性情两个方面。The connotation of "obscurantism" is concerned with knowledge and emotion.

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这种全国范围对科学的怀疑被称之直返中世界的蒙昧时期。A country that distrusts science is condemned to move straight back to medieval obscurantism.

据历史记载,在传奇人物凯末尔出现前,土耳其作为欧洲“病夫”,整个国家长期为宗教蒙昧主义的乌云所笼罩。According to that story, Turkey was once the sick man of Europe, trapped in religious obscurantism.

还有人认为他是奴隶主的代表,推行的是愚民政策。Even some people think that he was a representative of the slave owners, who carried out a policy of obscurantism.

我知道得很清楚,就在这里,跟精神分析经验,息息相关的蒙昧主义,在那里有了庇护之所。I know well that it is here that there takes refuge all the obscurantism which attaches itself madly to analytic proof.

日本侵华期间对中国教科书的篡改是其实行愚民政策、推行文化侵略的重要之举。The abridgment and distortion of Chinese textbooks during Japanese invasion of China was to carry out its obscurantism and cultural invasion.

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更以行万里路的广阔视野唤醒蒙昧的群众,尤其是被桎梏在传统价值观的广大女性同胞。Having broad perspective after such a long journey, she has awakened many Chinese women who were fettered by the traditional values and obscurantism.

还是相反,他想提拔变革代理人,他知道变革不可避免,没有变革,俄罗斯可能回到混乱或者蒙昧主义?Or has he, on the contrary, promoted an agent of changes he knows to be inevitable, without which Russia might be sent back into chaos or obscurantism?

薛涌称蒋庆的读经理论是“走向蒙昧的文化保守主义”,秋风则起而为蒋庆辩护。But when Xue Yong dismissed Jiang Qing's theory of reciting cannons as "a conservatism leading to obscurantism", Qiu Feng immediately came to Jiang's defence.

而其后来不断被神化则是统治阶级为了神道设教、愚民以治的需要。In later generations, they were constantly deified and became a spirit-like way of instruction used by the ruling class to practice obscurantism on the commoners.

“新蒙昧主义思潮”中的“宗教政治蒙昧主义”对宪法政教分离的原则与宪政已经和正在造成重大冲击并产生了消极性影响。The "religious and political obscurantism" in "Neo-Obscurantism" has impacted and is impacting negatively the constitution and the constitutional separation of politics and religion.

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虽然表面上斗争是围绕着西方启蒙主义和宗教蒙昧主义为中心展开的,但实际是导致了土耳其政局的改变---一分为二为西方派和现代改革派。At the heart of this story is a battle between Western enlightenment and obscurantism. But in fact, Turkey's real dichotomy has always been between its westernizers and its modernizers.

它不仅排斥知识分子这支先锋力量,阻碍了中国经济和科学文化事业的发展,而且宣扬贬低知识的蒙昧主义价值观。It not only excluded the intellectual as an outstanding pioneer in the development of China's economy, science and culture, but also preached obscurantism that devalues the importance of intelligence.