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你看到的所有景象都是由人造物制作的。All of sights of you see are made by artificiality.

自然,道,人为,礼仪等道德标准。Moral criteria are nature, the Tao, artificiality and manner.

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这就像我们创造出的大多数,关于人们行为的法律。It's like the artificiality in most of our laws about human behavior.

人们承认这种方法带有人为性并且过分简单化。There is admittedly artificiality and oversimplification in this approach.

若非如此,你就会陷入人为的不自然状态,或试图阻止那永恒的流动。Otherwise, you will drift into artificiality or attempt to solidify the ever-flowing.

他很讨厌他所体会到的不自然的和自命不凡的学院生活。He greatly disliked what he perceived as the artificiality and pretentiousness of academic life.

“楚门的世界”里,当楚门意识到他一成不变的郊区生活是人为的,他逃走了。In The Truman Show, when Truman realised the artificiality of his suburban existence, he escaped.

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欧洲人和美洲人不会接受假唱,他们一眼就能看出来。You cannot sell artificiality to the Europeans and the Americans. They will see through it immediately.

这种设计是对此地人工开发理念的诠释。The design strategy was based on the interpretation of the artificiality of the site where the building is inserted.

所有这些都是人为的,人造物通过你进入森林,当然还通过那里本身就存在的自然。Right? All of those are man-made, artificiality brought into the woods by you, and by the very nature of being there.

所有那些我们觉得是自然的、未受侵犯的野生环境,其实都充满了人工性和人类活动的痕迹。In fact, all that we think of as natural virgin wilderness is abundant with artificiality and the mark of human activity.

距离感的运用恰到好处的突出了人工设计和创作的心思,这也是现实生活和艺术之间不可逾越的屏障分隔。The use of distance emphasises the artificiality of artistic creation, the insurmountable barrier that separates art from life.

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与人为形成地工业的、都市的社会相比,未受破坏地非洲看作是永恒自然地象征。Unspoilt Africa is seen as symbolizing the eternity of nature, in contrast with the artificiality of industrial, urban societies.

议会故弄玄虚之处在于只在大自然被冻结的时候想到克服它,而对夜色正浓上演嘉年华却丝毫不吃惊。The artificiality of the court surmounts nature only when the latter is frozen, not surprisingly 'It was at night that the carnival was at its merriest'.

议会故弄玄虚之处在于只在大自然被冻结的时候想到克服它,而对夜色正浓上演嘉年华却丝毫不吃惊。The artificiality of the court surmounts nature only when the latter is frozen, not surprisingly 'It was at night that the carnival was at its merriest’.

小说中夸张的虚构成份也可以被作者解释为对真实世界虚假内容的一种注解,而冷漠的声调就可能是勃然大怒了。Artificiality in the novel can be excused by the author as commentary on the nature of artificiality itself and the deadpan tone is occasionally infuriating.

距离感的运用恰到好处的突出了人工设计和创作的心思,这也是现实生活和艺术之间不可逾越的屏障分隔。Standing halfway between nature and human creation, rockery carries over gracefully the life impulse of the former into the cold artificiality of the latter.

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天指代了客观的自然界和现实的物质世界,一方面是指与地相对应的天空,一方面是指与人为相对应的事物的自然性。On the one hand, it indicated the sky which corresponded with the land, on another hand, it indicated the naturality of things which corresponded with artificiality.

曾梵志「面具」画作的背景一贯空无一物,而且是平面的,突出人工化的场景,及画中人物的疏离感觉。Zeng typically has left the backgrounds of his Mask paints empty and flat, to highlight both the artificiality of the scene and the alienation inherent to the sitter.

由于技术手段的限制,勘探中获得的各种原始地质信息及经过处理的探测成果等,均存在一定的局限性或人为性。Restricted by technique and means, there are some artificiality and localization in various original geological information and worked result gained from the exploration.