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为何他们要打击我们对星际旅行抱有的信心?Why don't they want us to believe in interstellar travel?

科学家相信四年内它将进入星际空间Scientists think it will enter interstellar space in about four years.

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但对于其他天文学家而言,星际尘埃自身确是有用的。But for other astronomers, interstellar dust is useful in its own right.

由气体和尘埃组成的星系云是一个恒星形成的活跃区域。The interstellar cloud of gas and dust is an active star-forming region.

这项发现可能对设计星际旅行用的太阳帆有帮助。The finding could aid the design of solar sails for interstellar sojourns.

恒星是由一种称为星际介质的“原汤”形成的。Stars are born from a kind of primal soup known as the interstellar medium.

这些便是公元2100年星际帝国主义的基本原则.These are the basic principles of interstellar imperialism, circa 2100 A.D.

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星云是由尘埃、氢气、氦气和等离子体构成的星际云团。A nebula an interstellar cloud of dust, hydrogen gas, helium gas and plasma.

他可能与木星运行相冲突并被抛到了星际空间。It would have run afoul of Jupiter and been chucked into interstellar space.

星际飞行十分艰巨,因为恒星相距遥远。Interstellar flight is so daunting because of the vast distances separating stars.

巴纳德的标记黑暗星云,星际云掩盖气体和尘埃。Barnard's markings are dark nebulae, interstellar clouds of obscuring gas and dust.

在这星际怪物的顶端内部是一颗正在慢慢摧毁它的恒星。Inside the head of this interstellar monster is a star that is slowly destroying it.

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科学家们相信旅行者号并没有跨过日鞘进入星际空间。Scientists believe Voyager 1 has not crossed the heliosheath into interstellar space.

侧面两个热体由喷出气流与星际气体碰撞形成。The two spots flanking the core are produced by jets colliding with interstellar gas.

T被好时引入牛奶巧克力做为星际友谊糖果。E.T. immortalized Reese's Pieces by Hershey's as the candy of interstellar friendship.

冲击波能揭示出星际介质的结构,扮演着探照灯的角色。The shock acts as a searchlight by revealing the structure of the interstellar medium.

甚至在黑暗的星际空间里,也有类似行星的天体独自漂流著。And they found planet-like objects drifting alone in the darkness of interstellar space.

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遥远的红矮星在一个非常不稳定的轨道上,很容易会从该星际空间逃离出来。Remote red dwarfs are in an unstable orbit and easy to escape from this interstellar space.

天文学家通常认为,恒星际星尘都是紧靠着银河平面的。Astronomers usually assume that interstellar dust is closely confined to the galactic plane.

也可能是,太阳运行在银河系中扫过的星际中的尘埃。Also, as our sun orbits the galactic center it may sweep through areas of interstellar dustiness.