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红色男爵比萨?Red Baron pizza?

Digiorno's比萨?DiGiorno's pizza?

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来一个比萨饼如何?How about a pizza?

我怎么样才能买到披萨?How can I get a pizza?

我非常喜欢比萨饼。I’m crazy about pizza.

我想吃比萨饼。I'd like to have pizza.

那块烤馅饼已经变坏。The pizza has gone bad.

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全家庭制作的批萨。Totally home-made pizza.

他还把所有的披萨吃完了。He eats all of the pizza.

我想要做披萨。I feel like making pizza.

意大利面,中国菜和披萨。Pasta, Chinese and pizza.

擀出比萨皮,抹上酱汁。Roll out the pizza dough.

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那儿有最美味的披萨。They have the best pizza.

他们猛抢着吃比萨饼。They pigged out on pizza.

肄贵利人喜欢吃烤饼。Indians like to eat pizza.

因此你又一次去吃披萨了。So you reach for pizza again.

我们大吃比萨饼,大喝啤酒。We pig out on pizza and beer.

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你喜欢披萨和冰淇淋吗?Do you like pizza and ice-cream?

我觉得一个大号比萨饼就够了。I think a large pizza is enough.

对你来说,比萨不够“意大利”吗?Pizza not exotic enough for you?