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他真是个该死的王八蛋.He is a fucking asshole.

是当混蛋的借口。An excuse to be an asshole.

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你不可能成为国王,你这个笨蛋。You can't be king, asshole.

举个例子吧,我觉得你就是个二逼。For instance, I think you’re an asshole.

什么傻瓜才接对方付费的长途电话?What kind of an asshole would call collect?

舌头公鸡手屁眼儿都神圣!The tongue and cock and hand and asshole holy!

哦,我是克雷默查斯·克雷默,混蛋。What? Oh, this is Kramer. Chas Kramer, asshole.

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甚至连乡下人都知道你是最大的混蛋。Even the rednecks knows you are the biggest asshole.

嗯,你这个混球。别这样。她是个纯洁的小妞。Yep, you asshole. Don't do this. She is a virgin chick.

还有一条,“别看耶稣喜欢你,但在我看来你就是个混球!”A third, “Jesus loves you but I think you’re an asshole.”

不幸的是,他妈妈被一个叫浮罗洛的混蛋杀死了。Too bad his mother gets killed by an asshole named Frollo.

你是个寂寞难耐的丑男,接受事实吧。Colin. You're a lonely, ugly asshole and you must accept it.

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我冲着他的背影在心里暗骂了无数个混蛋。I rushed his background in the heart Anma countless asshole.

可能是在外面干那个愚蠢的地产王子吧。Probably out fucking that dorky Prince of Real Estate asshole.

好吧,当他撕掉那个女孩的号码的时候,或许他是有点混蛋。OK, maybe he’s a bit of an asshole when he rips up that girl’s number.

她一定是和某一个混蛋躲在校园的某一个小角落里呢。She must be getting it in with some asshole on the other side of campus.

不可能取悦、平息或改造一个混蛋。You can rarely, if ever, please, placate, change, or mollify an asshole.

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你可能是有毛病,OPA,你也有可能是个混蛋。There could be something wrong with you, OPA, and you could be an asshole.

不管如何,我也要把这个运动坚持到底,直到有人公开的说我是个屁。Anyway, I'm going to keep this up until somebody openly calls me an asshole.

当你比较傻冒时,她会直接告诉你你是个傻冒。An older woman will tell you that you are an asshole if you're acting like one.