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你的腮腺炎怎么样了?How's your mumps now?

腮腺炎是一种儿童疾病。Mumps is a children's disease.

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罕见的是,腮腺炎有时是致命的。It is rare, but mumps can sometimes be fatal.

因为腮腺炎她接连卧床好几星期。She was bed-ridden with the mumps for weeks on end.

我看起来有没有患麻疹或者腮腺炎或者其他什么病的样子?Do I look like I may have measles or mumps or anything?

与流行性腮腺炎疫苗相关的不良反应有哪些?What adverse reactions are associated with mumps vaccine?

国际流行性腮腺炎病毒分离物参比实验室International reference laboratory for mumps virus isolates

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这些疫苗能够保护你免受腮腺炎感染。These vaccines protect you from getting infected with mumps.

研究表明抗腮腺炎疫苗不能保护每一个人。But studies show vaccines against mumps don't protect everyone.

你的婴儿在一岁以内还很少可能感染腮腺炎。Your baby is also less likely to catch mumps in their first year.

结论巢湖市流腮分布呈现空间聚集性。Conclusion Mumps distribution in Chaohu showed spatial aggregation.

结论两苗是可以同时接种的。Conclusion Mumps and DT vaccines can be administered simultaneously.

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美国细菌学家,研究腮腺炎病毒的抗体。American bacteriologist who researched antibodies for the mumps virus.

腮腺炎的主要症状是在颈部脸颊腮腺肿胀和疼痛。The main symptoms of mumps are swollen and painful glands in the neck.

但现在因为接种疫苗在某些国家腮腺炎已经不见。But now there is no mumps at all in some countries because of vaccination.

如何知道我或我的孩子该接种何种流行性腮腺炎疫苗?How do I know which mumps vaccine I or my child should be vaccinated with?

腮腺炎能引起颈部腺体肿胀和疼痛,痛苦、烦恼和疲倦。Mumps causes swollen and painful glands in the neck, and aches, pains, and tiredness.

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在世卫组织的委托下,一份关于不同流行性腮腺炎疫苗株安全性的专家综述已经完成。WHO has recently commissioned an expert review of the safety of different mumps vaccine strains.

研究表明疫苗对儿童能引起抗腮腺炎保护效果,仅能造成一些轻微副作用。The research shows vaccines to protect your child against mumps can cause some mild side effects.

比如,针对水痘,麻疹,腮腺炎和风疹的疫苗使用的是虚弱的病毒。Weaken viruses are used, for example, in vaccines against chickenpox , measles, mumps and rubella.