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无论幸运或不幸时,我都觉得这世界充满了戏剧性。Fortune or misfortune, I feel this world is full of histrionic.

但,由于故事线索的不明确,也引来了对于其“戏剧性”质疑。But also drew the oppugn to its histrionic due to vague of its story clew.

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表演型人格障碍的核心症状是寻求关注。The core symptom of histrionic personality disorder is attracting other's attention.

老布什时期的决策过程尤其富有戏剧性和典型性。The decision-making process in old Bush times is more histrionic and representative.

这个功能就是为何你出现会不断失去工作、或和…This function is why you keep losing jobs or falling in love with histrionic martyrs.

改善父母的养育方式可以预防表演型人格障碍。The improvement of parents'breeding model can prevent histrionic personality disorder.

诗歌艺术中所具有的戏剧性话语,是诗歌得以获得审美性的一种重要艺术形式。The histrionic discourse contrined in poetic art is an important art form for aesthetics obtaining.

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戏剧本质论主要体现在关于戏剧结构、戏剧性、戏剧表演体系等具体论述中。Theory of drama inbeing is mostly embodied discussing drama configuration, histrionic and performing system.

他在黑暗中摸索,惊慌失措,他的姿势通过慢镜头呈现。他开始了痛苦的戏剧性的舞蹈。He gropes in darkness, panicked , his gestures slowed through re photography, and begins a histrionic dance of anguish.

正如我们十分了解的那样,舞台对于嘉莉有着巨大的吸引力。她从未忘记过她在芝加哥的那一次成功的演出。For Carrie, as we well know, the stage had a great attraction. She had never forgotten her one histrionic achievement in Chicago.

他在文本核心执着于戏剧性元素的追求,选择了一种静水流深、独具魅力的镜头语言,同时在意境营造中,以影像写诗,追求诗意的凝聚。He pursues on the histrionic element in the core of the movie texts and chooses one kind of attractive static fluent deep lens language.

奥巴马和麦凯恩在2008年的选战中没有就中国进行做秀似的辩论,也许奥巴马就此认为他在对华政策上可以从心所欲。Obama and McCain avoided a histrionic debate about China during the 2008 campaign and Obama probably thought he had a free hand on China policy.

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再一次地,我发现自己开始怀疑他们是真的精神疾病患者还是更喜欢做出消极的行为来满足自己的自恋癖或是表演欲。Yet again, I find myself doubting tabloid claims of real mental illness and prefer to attribute bad behavior to spoiled narcissism or histrionic acting out.

其编剧策略虽说是以保留传统戏曲表演程式为原则,但在实践的过程却可见传统戏曲表演程式的新变。Though the adaptation strategy has mostly followed the traditional opera's histrionic formula, in practice, the play exhibits innovations derived from within.

委员会也废去了其他一些不知名的问题,如表演型人格障碍,在一定程度上加大了这些特点的严重性。The committee would also do away with a few other less well-known problems, such as histrionic personality disorder, and add in a scale to rate the severity of such traits.