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我已经把这个放在讲义里了。I've put this on the handout.

他也在你们手上的资料里。He's on your handout list,too.

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那么课堂手册上这个版本。You could look at the handout.

那上面的代码是不一样的。Code is different in the handout.

现在我想谈谈讲义。Now I want to talk about the handout.

在我见到的人中,没有一个人乐意接受施舍。No one I’ve met is looking for a handout.

人们可以坐下来,慢慢读这些分发稿。People can sit down and read our handout.

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你们手上的讲稿里有一份这首诗。You've got a sample of it on your handout.

现在看一下发下去的材料的背面Now that's on the back of your handout there.

看看发给你们的资料,这只是例子。And notice on your handout just some examples of this.

我可以借你的讲义吗?可以给他吗?Hey, KC. KC, can I borrow your handout? Can he have it?

有一个叫帕皮亚的人,你们手上的资料上有。In fact,there's a guy named Papias. He's on your handout.

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所有人都拿到路加福音和使徒行传的梗概了吗?Did everyone get a handout of the outline of Luke and Acts?

课堂材料的第二题2,这是关于做乘方的另外一种方法。If you look at x 2 this one right here in your handout. OK.

每个人应该都有一份讲稿,是吗?Everyone should have a handout. Does everyone have a handout?

着手做这个理想的类了,我想要讲讲概念。Right there, and I'd like you to ook at that in your handout.

我希望大家能去读读它,它在你们的课堂手册上。So I'm hoping you can read that, and it's also in your handout.

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讲义上还写了以下这些希腊政治体制。You also had these political structures that are in your handout.

你们手中有张讲义是介绍圣经三大部分的。So you have a handout that breaks down the three major components.

在这里我想引用约翰逊博士,这在讲义上有。And so I want to quote Dr. Johnson here, and this is on the handout.