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利比亚官立部队夺回被叛军占领的城市。Libyan gov't troops retake rebel-held town.

9月份你可以重考明天的考试。You can retake tomorrow’s exam in September.

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如果考试未通过,可以重考同一个等级。If you fail a level, you can retake the exam.

在任何时间都可以重考在线的无监考的考试。Candidates may not retake a beta exam at any time.

把他们看作电影中的场景,而你从中获得益处。Act as if they were scenes in a movie that you get to retake.

录制完视频后,你可以播放、重录或删除。After recording a video, you can play it, retake it, or delete it.

联合海上,陆地和空中的运动,以夺回福克兰群岛。Joint Maritime, Land and Air campaign to retake the Falkland Islands.

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球员经纪人可在下一有效考试日期重新参加考试。The players’ agent may retake the examination atthe next available session.

不介入。允许换人主罚点球,在这种情况下,可以换不同的球员重新主罚点球。No – allow the change. A different player can be nominated to retake a kick.

如果是由于我的考试成绩引起的,我可以重考。If the disapproval was due to any of my test scores , I would retake the tests.

现实生活远非一场开卷考试,它是一场你永远都无法完全准备好并且你根本无法补考的考试。A test that you can never get fully ready for and you can, by no means, retake it.

球员经纪人重考次数不限。There is no limit on the number of times a players’agent may retake the examination.

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反攻大陆的窗口在1964年的罗布泊核试验后就关闭了。The window to retake the Mainland of China closed in 1964 with the nuclear test of Lop Nor.

一个你能在你的候选竞争对手中脱颖而出最有效的方法就是重新考一次GMAT。One of the most tangible ways you can make a difference in your candidacy is to retake the GMAT.

赛璐璐胶片是个更大的问题,因为重做这东西更贵,也更花时间。Cels are more of a problem because they are more expensive to retake and take more time to produce.

伊萨德想夺回自己钟爱的“卢桑基亚号”,因此她还是找到了背叛新共和国的机会。Isard still found a chance to betray the New Republic, as she tried to retake her beloved Lusankya.

为收回东三省,清政府从1901年开始与沙俄进行了断断续续的交涉。In order to retake the northeast of China, Qing government began to negotiate with Russia from 1901.

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最终,在复活的皇帝发动重夺银河系的战役期间,费特和登加分道扬镳。Fett and Dengar eventually parted ways during the resurrected Emperor's campaign to retake the galaxy.

立德顿市新闻发言人科里。纳德说,厕纸可以更快地让路面修复,恢复正常交通。Littleton spokeswoman Kelli Narde says the toilet paper allows traffic to retake the road more quickly.

调查报告中,东京将盛产石油的安哥拉首都罗安达挤到了第二位,重新抢占冠军位置。Tokyo pushed the oil-boom Angolan capital Luanda into second place to retake the top spot in the survey.