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但是维托顶了上来,做得很好。But Vito has come in and done well.

我推想我也许正在圣维多的对岸。I thought I might be opposite San Vito.

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维多强迫他的儿子继续为家庭的事业工作。Vito twisted his son's arm into staying in the family business.

他们中没有一个人丢失过球,而维托·满诺内还扑出了一个点球。None of them have conceded a goal while Vito Mannone saved a penalty.

维多跟我说他想要成为世界上最伟大的吉他大师。Vito told me that he wanted to be the greatest guitarist in the world.

当他面对“她”,他说,看起来是心灵类似维托。When he came face to face with "her", he said it looked eerily similar to Vito.

当那个电影制片人知道汤姆是教父维多。克里昂的使者时。When the movie producer realizes that Tom Hagen is the emissary of Vito Corleone.

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阿森纳门将曼诺内承认对于在本赛季踢不上比赛感到失望。Arsenal goalkeeper Vito Mannone admits he is frustrated not to be playing this season.

我的朋友VITO,认识4年的一个老朋友了!我说他长得有点像警察。My friend VITO. A friend we know each other for 4 years. I sadi he look like policeman.

阿森纳证实门将韦吐·马努与枪手签下了新合约。Arsenal can today confirm goalkeeper Vito Mannone has signed a new contract with the Gunners.

维托。考利昂老头子这人,对谁都有求必应。Don Vito Corleone was a man to whom everybody came for help, and never were they disappointed.

此前来自帝国湾,瓦托发现自己重新开始了码头河排。Previously hailing from Empire Bay, Vito finds himself starting over again out of the docks in River Row.

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在荷兰,温格信任曼诺内出战欧冠,阿穆尼亚坐在板凳上。Wenger kept faith with Vito Mannone for the Champions League match in Holland, with Almunia on the bench.

还有一个对于许多人,除了曼诺内之外的好消息,卢卡斯法比安斯基足够健康可以加入球队了。More good news, for everyone except Vito Mannone, is that Lukas Fabianski is now fit enough to join the squad.

在经过了租借至赫尔城的成功之后,维托•曼诺内已经将注意力完全集中在了阿森纳一号门将的位置上。Vito Mannone is fully focused on fighting for his place in the Arsenal side after a successful loan spell at Hull City.

曼诺内、阿摩尼亚和法比安斯基都是健康的,主帅将在门将位置上有一个艰难抉择。With Vito Mannone, Lukasz Fabianski and Manuel Almunia all fit, the manager has to make a tough decision over his keeper.

曼诺内已为阿森纳贡献了多场精彩表演,但这个赛季他原本可能被租借到英冠去把守球门。Vito Mannone could quite easily be keeping goal in the Championship this season instead of performing heroics for Arsenal.

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曼诺内作为首发门将,中卫方面由加文霍伊特搭档队长米奎尔,而两个边卫则分别是诺德维特与托马斯克鲁斯。Vito Mannone was in goal and Gavin Hoyte partnered captain Ignasi Miquel at centre back. Havard Nordtveit and Thomas Cruise were the full backs.

新娘的父亲,堂-维多·科利昂,虽然现在他自己住在长岛很大的房子里,但他从来没忘记他的老朋友和邻居。The father of the bride, Don Vito Corleone, never forgot his old friends and neighbors though he himself now lived in a huge house on Long Island.

近日,但它有爱女人,他几乎相当回敬我独自在他的衬垫、看电视、凯尔特人和掠袭者甚至读一本书。Vito loved women, but it got to the point where he would almost rather kick back alone in his pad and watch the Raiders or Celtics on TV, or even read a book.