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阿拉伯世界没有为自由做好准备吗?Is the Arab world unready for freedom?

丁香酒,我仍未准备好迎接爱情。Lilac Wine, I feel unready for my love.

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我不喜欢这种毫无预备的安排。I didn't like this kind of unready arrangement.

你可能是觉得还没有准备好接受目前的境况或是你觉得对目前的一切心有不甘。You may feel unready or unworthy in your current circumstances.

法国人已不留恋他,但也不准备说再见。The French have already looked beyond him, but he is unready to say adieu.

然而这个国家好像还没有准备好适应它本需要的。Yet the country seems unready for the kind of radical adaptation it needs.

但生怕我的小孩还没有打算好承当起那种义务。But I'm afraid my little kids are unready for that kind of responsibility yet.

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尽量不要逼迫你的另一半进入任何他感觉还没准备好的状况。Try not to pressure your lover into any sexual situation for which he or she feels unready.

他们时刻准备着为民主献身,又怎能说他们没有准备好呢?How can we say that these people are unready for a democracy that they are prepared to die for?

由于准备尚未充分,芬丹不能贸然越过边界引发与狮鹫帝国的全面战争。With Irollan unready , Findan must be careful not to cross the border and risk all-out war with the Griffin Empire.

作为一个种子星球,这些灵魂还没有完全达到较高灵魂水平,没有准备好以正常的可选择的方式提升。As a seed planet, these souls have not yet grown to full stature and are unready to move up in the normal methods of choice.

正如我以前提到的,我女儿有不寻常的本事,尽问一些我和妻子措手不及的问题。As I've mentioned before, my daughter has an uncanny knack for asking questions that my wife and I are completely unready to answer.

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因此那些对扬升没有准备的人将走上一条不同的道路,按照他们的偏好去继续他们的体验。So those who are unready for Ascension will proceed onto a different path, to continue their experiences according to their preference.

没有人像上帝那样如此渴望要把他的知识带给我们。No man desires anything so eagerly as God desires to bring men to the knowledge of Himself. God is always ready, but we are very unready.

虽然南方不断威胁要脱离联帮有十多年之久,联帮当局届时什么准备也没有。Though the South had been threatening to leave the Union for ten or more years, the federal authorities were completely unready when the time came.

“这意味着儿童性成熟过早,”斯坦霍普霍普说,“他们的身体已经有性生殖能力,但是心理上完全没有做好准备。”“It means that children develop sexually much earlier, ” Stanhope says. “They are physically ready for sexual reproduction but mentally completely unready.”

对于一些人将可能处于的状态就是他们没有什么特别的信念,感到自己还没准备好做出决定来转变自己的生活。There will be some who will be at a point where they have no particular beliefs, and feel unready to make decisions that would change the course of their lives.

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像很多大一新生一样,我怀揣着惊奇、忸怩、不确定以及对未来四年毫无准备的手足无措感跨进了大学门槛。Like most freshmen, I arrived full of wide-eyed wonder and awkward self-consciousness, uncertain and somewhat unready for what the next four years would bring me.

由于准备尚未充分,芬丹不能贸然越过边界引发与狮鹫帝国的全面战争。More time is needed to prepare for another war. With Irollan unready , Findan must be careful not to cross the border and risk all-out war with the Griffin Empire.

令人困扰的是,中国和俄罗斯作为朝鲜在联合国多年的保护伞,似乎没能从金正日的所作所为中吸取教训,也没准备好遏制伊朗的核计划。Just as troublingly, China and Russia, for years North Korea’s protectors at the UN, seem unready to learn the lesson from what Mr Kim is now doing and to restrain Iran.