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但是对于一个送货员来说事情又不同了。But to a deliveryman things are different.

刚才在这儿的那个送货人到哪儿去了?Where's the deliveryman who was just here?

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她收下了送货人送来的货物。She accepted the shipment from the deliveryman.

一位年轻的送货人在送货后消失。A young deliveryman disappeared after a delivery.

一位室友打开门,发现是个邮递员在找我。My roommate opened it to find a deliveryman asking for me.

一个匹萨送货员与几乎与他年龄相差一半的的女孩结合在一起。A pizza deliveryman develops a bond with a girl nearly half his age.

这位披萨快递员喘息了几下,最后死在了人行道上。The pizza deliveryman took a few last gasps and died on the pavement.

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送外卖的小伙在给你送餐时里面城市套一个白色塑料袋。You order takeout and the deliveryman leaves you with white plastic bag.

很难怪,这送货员到了现在也只是一个使人瞧不起的服务员而已。No wonder, this is also a deliveryman to now only people despise attendants.

顾客请在送货员离去前,当面点算清楚所有货品数量及包装。Please calculate all goods quantity and packing before our deliveryman depart.

例如,这里有个关于一位中国送货人秘密消失的故事。For example, there is a story about the mysterious disappearance of a Chinese deliveryman.

我呈上我的简历是想应聘贵公司在第三街主仓库的送货人。I am submitting my resume for the position of deliveryman for your main warehouse on Third Street.

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被麦坚利吓了一跳的送货员报警后,警方便把麦坚尼拘捕,他被控非法运输和使用空头支票而被判入狱。McKinley was arrested and jailed on unrelated traffic and bad-check charges after the startled deliveryman called police.

房子里没有供暖。我去的那天,王秀丽的丈夫正卧病在床。他是一家叫凡客诚品的时尚服装公司的送货员。There is no heating, and the day I visited, Wang's husband, who works as a deliveryman for a hip clothing company called Vancl, lay sick in bed.

本周四,在美国纽约曼哈顿西区一座高层建筑中,一名送报员在电梯里被困时,试图逃出,结果跌落至电梯井中受伤。A newspaper deliveryman took a freak spill down the elevator shaft of an Upper West Side high-rise Thursday morning when he tried to get out of a stuck lift.

他1996年去世,生前是名送货员,一生中不断给名人写信,以溢美之词争取签名。Tommy Scullion, an Irish deliveryman who passed away in 1996, spent 50 years collecting 40000 signatures from celebrities such as Pablo Picasso, Edward Duke of Windsor.

在我工作很忙的时候,经常会有送外卖的人来出现在我的办公室来给我送午饭之类的,不用说,当然是艾利克斯定的,他怕我一忙起来就忘了吃饭。Not infrequently, during a demanding day at work, I would find a deliveryman standing in my office with a boxed lunch Alex had ordered for me, to make sure I remembered to eat.